
What are the points for attention in how to raise a street sweeper?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the points for attention in how to raise a street sweeper?

Scavengers, also known as anglerfish, sucker fish, etc., originated in rivers all over South America, have a very distinctive appearance, have a certain ornamental value, and are the first choice for modern people to raise fish, but many people do not know how to raise them. So today, the editor will share with you how to raise the scavenger and what matters needing attention. Let's take a look!

How to raise a street sweeper: the number of people raised

The street sweeper is a kind of fish who likes to come out at night. He usually takes a rest on the glass wall of the fish tank during the day. If he chooses to keep the scavenger in the fish tank, it is recommended to keep two to four scavengers, because if the number is too high, it is easy to cause competition and struggle between the fish and the fish, and even the weak fish may be eaten, so the number must be appropriate.

How to raise a street sweeper: the requirement of water quality

According to the living habits of scavengers, well water is most suitable for the growth of scavengers, and it is also suitable for growing in weakly acidic soft water or neutral water quality, but if there are certain conditions, it is best to choose tap water after precipitation and bask in the sun for two to three days before use.

How to raise the street sweeper: the requirement of water temperature

The sweeper is suitable for growing in a water temperature of 18 to 30 degrees Celsius. If the water temperature is lower than 18 degrees Celsius or higher than 30 degrees Celsius, it will affect the sweeper's low spirits or cause other diseases or even death. Therefore, in the cold winter, it is necessary to add a heating rod to the water where the scavenger is raised, and in the hot summer, ice cubes need to be added to the water to cool down to ensure that the water temperature is appropriate.

How to raise the street sweeper: the frequency of changing water

The scavenger does not have a very high demand for water, just to ensure that the high-quality water source can be changed once a week, but it should be noted that only 2/3 of the new water source needs to be injected into the fish tank and 1/3 of the original water source should be retained, so that the scavenger can adapt to the new water source and will not cause the scavenger to panic.

Conclusion: how to raise a street sweeper? the above is the little knowledge about how to raise a street sweeper. In fact, as long as you understand the life habits of the street sweeper, breeding is also very simple. But what we need to remind you is that the street sweeper is a relatively strong fish, so it is best not to mix with other mild or small fish!

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