
Culture methods and matters needing attention of triangular plum how to raise triangular plum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture methods and matters needing attention of triangular plum how to raise triangular plum

Triangular plum has more gorgeous and thicker colors than ordinary plum blossoms, and the petal shape is unique, which can not be imitated by other plum blossoms. There are many matters needing attention in the breeding of triangular plum, so let's take a look at them one by one.

First, the culture method of triangular plum.

1. Soil: Prunus angustifolia is lax on soil, growing well in clay heavy soil with good drainage and rich minerals, barren, alkali-resistant, drought-resistant and avoid stagnant water. The slightly sour soil is most favorable for the growth of Prunus mume.

two。 Watering: pay attention to control the amount of water before flowering. The usual watering of triangular plum should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, but thorough watering". However, in order to make the triangular plum blossom neatly and more, the water must be controlled before flowering.

3. Temperature: the suitable temperature for growth is 15-30 ℃. Proper shading or measures such as water spraying and ventilation should be taken in summer, and the ambient temperature of not less than 5 ℃ should be maintained in winter.

4. Fertilization: fertilization can not come over, nor too little. In order to make the triangular plum blossom more, we must ensure sufficient nutrients, and fertilize timely, appropriately and rationally. In general, during the peak growth period from April to July, liquid fertilizer is applied every 7 to 10 days to promote plant growth. Fertilizer can use 10% to 20% cooked bean cake, rapeseed cake water or human feces water.

5. Lighting: in addition to the new pots throughout the year, the seedlings should be placed in the semi-shade first. Winter should be placed in front of the south window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours.

6. Propagation: selection of cuttings: triangulated plum branches, as thick as arms and as thin as incense, can be used for cuttings; coarse branches send roots late and shape quickly; annual lignified green branches are easy to produce new roots and have a high survival rate. Generally choose 1-2-year-old outer layer sunny branches with compact and sturdy structure, (not too twigs, immature branches, only long branches, shade branches. Cut into 3-4 segments (about 8-10cm) with a sharp knife, the lower oblique cutting surface is 5-10 mm below the node, remove the lower leaves and retain the upper two and a half (full) leaves as cuttings.

7. Pruning: pruning is fastidious, not too casual. Triangular plum grows rapidly, and attention should be paid to shaping and pruning during the growing period, so as to promote the growth of lateral branches and produce more flowering branches. The number of pruning is generally 1 to 3 times, should not be too much, otherwise it will affect the number of flowering.

8. Pest control: the common pests of Prunus mume are leaf beetles and aphids, and the common diseases are shoot blight. At ordinary times, it is necessary to strengthen loosening soil and weeding, remove dead branches and diseased leaves in time, and pay attention to ventilation so as to reduce the spread of the disease. Strengthen the examination of the disease, find the timely treatment of the disease, can be prevented and treated with dimethoate, topiramate and other solutions.

9. Loosen the soil and change the basin: this should not be lazy. Due to long-term watering, fertilization and Rain Water erosion, the basin soil is easy to harden, so it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly and remove weeds in the basin soil to facilitate the growth of Prunus mume. Otherwise, basin soil hardening and stagnant water will easily lead to root rot or poor growth of Prunus mume. In addition, the growth rate of triangular plum is faster, the root system is developed, and there are many whisker roots, which need to be changed once a year.

II. Matters needing attention of Triangle Plum

1. During the growing period of Prunus mume, the temperature of Triangle Plum should be kept above 5 ℃ in winter, and the lowest should not be less than 3 ℃.

two。 It prefers sunlight, but it should be properly shaded in summer and 8 hours of light in winter.

3. In the choice of soil, it should choose the soil which is more fertile, loose and has strong drainage performance.

4. Watering should be appropriate, in the plum rain season, to ensure a certain degree of drainage, otherwise there will be the phenomenon of rotten roots.

5. Before flowering, the pot can be turned properly and the soil can be properly trimmed at the same time.

Third, the price of triangular plum

The price of triangular plum is generally based on the height, crown width and ornamental performance of triangular plum. Generally, a triangular plum with a diameter of 2 meters, a height of 200 meters, a crown of about 100 meters is about 100 yuan, of course, it is generally like a sapling with a height of 30 meters and a crown of 30 meters, and the price is generally 10-20 yuan per sapling.

Triangular plum is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, which is different from other plum blossom species. Culture triangle plum can not be lazy and careless, should be watered and fertilized, especially when changing pots, in order to ensure its healthy growth, it must be replaced in time.