
The efficacy and function of Polygonatum odoratum is the most suitable for making soup

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Polygonatum odoratum is the most suitable for making soup

Sand ginseng, alias Nansha ginseng, bubble ginseng, bubble sand ginseng, clearing heat and nourishing yin, moistening the lung and relieving cough. Main treatment of tracheitis, pertussis, lung heat cough, expectoration yellow thick. Polygonatum odoratum has the effect of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, promoting fluid and relieving thirst! Clinically, it can be used for dry cough, fatigue cough, pharynx dryness and thirst caused by consumption of yin fluid, internal heat and thirst, external sensation of yin deficiency, dizziness, muscle and pulse contracture pain. So, what is the efficacy and function of sand ginseng and Polygonatum odoratum respectively?

First, the efficacy and function of Radix Ginseng

The main results are as follows: 1. The effect on immune function: it shows that Radix Glehniae can improve cellular immunity and non-specific immunity and inhibit humoral immunity. It has the function of regulating immune balance. Radix Scutellariae can also increase the rate of lymphocyte conversion.

2. Expectorant effect: the decoction of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae was given to rabbits according to the dose of 1g/kg, which showed that it had a certain expectorant effect, and its effect could last for more than 4 hours, but its intensity was not as strong as that of Zihua.

4. Cardiotonic effect: 1% Shashen extract has obvious cardiotonic effect on isolated toad heart, and the amplitude of isolated heart increases, and the effect can last for 5 minutes.

Second, the efficacy and function of Polygonatum odoratum

1. Polygonatum odoratum taste sweet and greasy, soft and moist, is blindly nourishing yin Shengjin good medicine. The vitamin A contained in Polygonatum odoratum can improve the condition of dry, cracked and rough skin and make it soft and lubricated. Play the role of beauty and skin care.

two。 The steroid glycosides contained in Polygonatum odoratum have similar effects on myocardium as the lily of the valley preparation. Polygonatum odoratum has a cardiotonic effect on the isolated frog heart, and the effect of Polygonatum odoratum decoction is similar to that of Polygonatum odoratum.

3. Intraperitoneal injection of Polygonatum odoratum extract can enhance the phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages, increase the level of serum hemolysin antibody and improve the proliferative response of spleen lymphocytes to ConA in burned mice.

Sand ginseng, jade bamboo and old duck soup

Food preparation: Radix Ginseng, Polygonatum odoratum, Old Duck

Production steps:

1. Wash Radix Glehniae and Polygonatum odoratum with clean water. Drain the ginseng and set aside. Soak Polygonatum odoratum in clean water for 30 minutes. Peel the ginger and cut it into pieces.

2. Wash the old duck and chop it into large pieces. A duck is chopped into about 8 to 10 pieces. Wash duck pieces with clean water and drain.

3. Put the duck pieces into the soup pot, pour enough water at once, do not cover the lid, heat the fire, skim off the foam after the water boils.

Close the lid and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, turn off the heat and skim the duck oil from the soup noodles with a spoon. Then put in Radix Glehniae, Polygonatum odoratum and sliced ginger, cover and cook for another hour and a half. Season with salt before eating.

Duck meat is suitable for people with heat and fever in the body, and it is better for people with low fever, weak physique, loss of appetite, dry stool and edema. At the same time, it is suitable for malnutrition, postpartum deficiency, night sweats, spermatorrhea, women with menorrhagia, dry pharynx and thirst; it is also suitable for cancer patients and those with diabetes, cirrhotic ascites, pulmonary tuberculosis and chronic glomerulonephritis after radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, for the body deficiency cold, cold caused by not thinking about diet, cold pain in the stomach. Diarrhea is clear, low back pain and cold dysmenorrhea, obesity, arteriosclerosis, chronic enteritis should eat less; cold patients should not eat.