
The nutritional value of Toona sinensis tells you where to fill it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The nutritional value of Toona sinensis tells you where to fill it.

Toona sinensis not only has a unique flavor and attractive appetite, but also has high nutritional value. In addition to containing protein, fat and carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B are also among the best in vegetables. It is also rich in phosphorus, carotene, iron, vitamin C and other nutrients. What is the nutritional value of Toona sinensis?

Nutritional value of Toona sinensis


The efficacy of clearing heat and detoxification, invigorating stomach and regulating qi, moistening skin and eyesight, killing insects, astringent blood and stopping dysentery, stopping avalanche; mainly treating ulcers, hair loss, eye redness, lung heat cough and other diseases; it can also be used for long-term diarrhea, hemorrhoids and stool blood, avalanche and leakage, treatment of sore, scabies and other diseases.

(1) nutritional value of Toona sinensis

1. Vitamin E and sex hormones

Toona sinensis contains vitamin E and sex hormone substances, which can anti-aging and nourish yang and nourish yin, and has a certain effect on infertility, so it has the laudatory name of "progesterone".

2. Vitamin C

Toona sinensis is rich in vitamin C (second only to chili), which helps to enhance the immune function of the body and has a good role in lubricating the skin. Vitamin C also has the effect of antioxidation and anticancer effect.

3. Carotene

Carotene can moisturize the skin and protect the eyes. It is the most needed nutrient for eye users.

4. Magnesium

Toona sinensis is rich in trace element magnesium, which can prevent and cure cardiovascular diseases.

5. Toona sinensis

Toona sinensis is a famous product in season, which contains volatile aromatic organic compounds such as toon, which can strengthen spleen and appetites and increase appetite. It is especially suitable for people who have no appetite due to excessive humidity and temperature changes in spring and summer.

6. Calcium

Calcium can promote bone development, especially suitable for teenagers and the elderly, but also can relieve irritability.

7. Iron

Toona sinensis contains iron, iron deficiency is easy to cause iron deficiency anemia, often eat iron-rich vegetables can effectively prevent.

8. Azadirachtin

Toon contains azadirachtin, the volatile smell can pass through the epidermis of Ascaris lumbricoides, so that Ascaris lumbricoides can not be attached to the intestinal wall and is excreted from the body.

(2) the efficacy and function of Toona sinensis

1. Astringent blood to stop dysentery and collapse

Toona sinensis can dry dampness and clear heat, converge solid astringent, can be used for long diarrhea, intestinal hemorrhoids, hematochezia, bleeding and other diseases.

2. Clearing heat and detoxification

Toona sinensis has the effect of clearing heat, diuresis and detoxification. it is a good medicine for auxiliary treatment of enteritis, dysentery and urinary system infection. External application with fresh Toona buds, garlic cloves and salt has a good effect on the treatment of sores, pain, swelling and poison.

3. Awaken the brain and remove dampness

Soaking water with Toona sinensis leaves can awaken the brain and help relieve spring sleepiness.

4. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, disinfestating and treating tinea

Toona sinensis has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, such as Toona sinensis decoction has inhibitory effect on pneumococci, typhoid bacilli, dysentery bacilli and so on. There is also the role of insecticidal, can be used to treat ascariasis, sore, scabies and other diseases.

5. Tonifying deficiency and strengthening yang

Toona sinensis has the effect of tonifying deficiency, strengthening yang, solidifying essence and tonifying kidney.

6. Beauty and beauty

Mashing juice with fresh Toona sinensis sprouts can treat facial diseases, moisturize the skin, improve immune function and moisturize the skin.

7. Appetizing and invigorating the spleen, removing oil and relieving greasy

Toona sinensis can strengthen the spleen and appetizer and increase appetite. As early as the Tang Dynasty, Toona sinensis was included as a tribute. At that time, the emperor already knew how to remove grease with Toona sinensis.

8. Prevention and treatment of exogenous wind chill

Folk use Toona sinensis to boil water to treat high fever, dizziness and other diseases.

9. Treatment of hair loss

Toon buds and heart, wash and mash, wipe hair loss place, can promote hair rebirth.

10. Prevention of SARS

It is said that it also has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on "atypical pneumonia".

II. The practice of Toona sinensis

Taboo on eating

1. Toona sinensis and milk can not be eaten together, which can easily lead to abdominal distension.

2. Toona sinensis and cauliflower cannot be eaten together. Because Toona sinensis is rich in calcium, and the chemical components in cauliflower will affect the digestion and absorption of calcium.

3. Toona sinensis and cucumbers cannot be eaten together. Cucumber contains vitamin C decomposing enzyme, which will destroy vitamin C in Toona sinensis, affect the absorption of vitamin C in the human body, and greatly reduce nutrition.

4. Toona sinensis belongs to the food with high potassium content. When taking spironolactone and potassium supplements, if used with foods with high potassium content, it is easy to cause hyperkalemia, gastrointestinal spasm, abdominal distension, diarrhea and other symptoms.

5. Toona sinensis should not be eaten with animal liver. Toona sinensis contains vitamin C, and the copper and iron ions in the animal liver can easily oxidize vitamin C and invalidate it, resulting in a great decrease in nutrition.

6. Toona sinensis should not be eaten when taking vitamin K. Vitamin C and vitamin K in Toona sinensis counteract each other, which not only reduces the therapeutic effect of vitamin K, but also reduces the nutritional value of Toona sinensis.

Through the above description of the nutritional value of Toona sinensis, we can see that it has a lot of value, but we should not eat it at will, and please pay attention to the taboos when eating Toona sinensis. Let's have a good healthy eating habit.