
What are the characteristics of evergreen? How to cultivate

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the characteristics of evergreen? How to cultivate

Evergreen sex likes warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid strong light and direct sunlight. The most afraid of stagnant water, long-term stagnant water will cause rotten roots, leading to yellow leaves, or even the whole plant withered. Attention should be paid to:

The sandy loam with loose and fertile soil and good drainage is better for ①.

After leaving the room in early spring, ② should be placed in a cool place, such as a shady shed, under the eaves or in a semi-shaded balcony; open-field cultivation should be planted in the shade of trees, but weeding and loosening the soil to keep the soil loose. The key to raising evergreen is to avoid strong direct sunlight, such as long-term direct sunlight will cause leaf edge and tip scorch, and even the whole leaf yellowing, affect growth, reduce ornamental.

③ should maintain a humid environment, if the air is dry for a long time, it is also easy to cause dry scorch of the leaves and yellowing of the whole leaves. Even dried up.

④ evergreen is fleshy root, watering must be paid attention to, avoid stagnant water, long-term stagnant water will cause rotten roots. Summer watering should be adequate, to keep the soil moist; in summer weather, especially in hot and dry days, in addition to watering, foliar spray is also needed to sprinkle water around the ground to increase environmental humidity. Watering in spring and autumn should not be too frequent, dry and wet, and watering should be controlled in winter.

⑤ fertilization should be appropriate. In spring and autumn, thin liquid fertilizer, such as bean cake water and compound fertilizer solution, should be applied every 20 days or so, and the concentration should be light. During the growth period, it is appropriate to apply external topdressing several times (0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus urea), which can make the leaves more green and the fruit fuller.

⑥ evergreen blossoms from May to June and bears fruit from September to October. Flowering should not be caught in the rain, rainy days should be moved indoors, generally planted than potted plants easier to bear fruit.

After ⑦ the Beginning of Summer, it can be combined with turning the basin and changing the soil for ramet propagation.

After entering winter, ⑧ should be moved indoors and kept at room temperature for more than 5 ℃ in order to survive the winter safely. When cultivated in open field for the winter, it is necessary to cultivate soil to protect against cold, and the following spring. If you cut off the old leaves, you can still sprout new ones.