
The effect and function of Mai Dong is effective only when it is eaten like this.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The effect and function of Mai Dong is effective only when it is eaten like this.

Ophiopogon japonicus, also known as Ophiopogon japonicus, is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae. The fibrous root is stout, and the top or middle of the root often expands into fusiform fleshy pieces. Put into medicine with root tuber. So, what are the effects and effects of Ophiopogon japonicus? Let's take a look.

I. the efficacy and function of Ophiopogon japonicus

The efficacy of Ophiopogon japonicus

Nourish yin and nourish fluid, moisten the lungs and clear the heart.

For lung dryness and cough, tuberculosis cough, Tianjin injury and thirst, upset insomnia, internal heat and thirst, intestinal dryness and constipation, pharynx diphtheria.

Nourishing yin and nourishing fluid, moistening lung and relieving cough: used for deficiency of lung and stomach yin, thirst, dry cough and hemoptysis; palpitation of heart yin deficiency and heat injury of body fluid in the later stage of fever.

With sand ginseng and chuanbei can treat dry cough due to lung yin deficiency.

The function of Ophiopogon japonicus

1. Stomach yin deficiency syndrome. This taste is sweet and soft, the nature is bitter and cold, and it is good at nourishing stomach yin, invigorating body and relieving thirst, and clearing stomach heat. Widely used in stomach yin deficiency with hot tongue thirst, epigastric pain, hunger, vomiting, dry stool and other symptoms. Such as the treatment of heat injury stomach yin, dry mouth and dry tongue, often used with raw place, Polygonatum odoratum, sand ginseng and other products. To treat thirst, it can be used with trichosanthin, black plum and other products. It can be used with Pinellia ternata and ginseng to treat qi vomiting due to stomach yin deficiency, such as Maimendong decoction (synopsis of the Golden Chamber). It is used together with Shengdi and Xuanshen to treat constipation caused by heat pathogen, such as Zengye decoction ("differentiation of febrile diseases").

two。 Lung yin deficiency syndrome. This product is also good at nourishing lung yin and clearing lung heat. It is suitable for dry nose and dry pharynx with yin deficiency and lung dryness, less sputum, hemoptysis, sore throat and hoarseness, which are often used with donkey-hide gelatin, plaster, mulberry leaves, loquat leaves and other products, such as Qingzao Jiufei decoction (Medical Law).

3. Syndrome of heart yin deficiency. This product can return to the heart meridian, can also nourish the heart yin, clear the heart heat, and slightly remove annoyance and calm the mind. It can be used for heart yin deficiency, hot vexation, insomnia and dreaminess, forgetfulness, palpitation and palpitation. It should be compatible with the products of nourishing yin and calming the mind, such as Tianwang Buxin Dan ("Sheng Sheng Secret profile") and other products such as raw land, wild jujube seed, cypress seed and so on. For those who are upset by heat, they should be compatible with products that clear the heart, cool blood and nourish yin, such as Qingying decoction ("differentiation of febrile diseases") with Coptis chinensis, Radix Scutellariae, Radix scrophulariae and other products.

Second, the edible method of Ophiopogon japonicus

1. For dry cough with warm dryness and lung injury, there is no sputum and sore throat. Use 9 grams of mulberry leaves, 7.5 grams of gypsum, 2 grams of ginseng, 3 grams of licorice, 3 grams of flax kernels, 2.4 grams of donkey-hide gelatin, 3.6 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 2 grams of almonds and 3 grams of loquat leaves. If the treatment of lung yin loss, fatigue heat hemoptysis, dry cough phlegm sticky, can be divided into Radix Ophiopogonis, Ophiopogon japonicus, water decoction concentration, add honey ointment.

2. To treat mental deficiency, panic and forgetfulness, 75 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 90 grams of Radix Polygalae, 90 grams of Acorus tatarinowii, 45 grams of Radix Atractylodes, 45 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 24 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 45 grams of cooked Rehmannia, 45 grams of ground bone skin, 45 grams of Fritillaria, 30 grams of ginseng, 30 grams of Angelica, 30 grams of Achyranthes bidentata, 30 grams of Astragalus membranaceus, 45 grams of Poria cocos, are pills.

3. Treatment of infantile accumulation: Ophiopogon 500g, millet 400g. First spread the millet and then spread Ophiopogon evenly on the rice, add water to not pass Ophiopogon 1CM as well, heat with a steady heat. Stir gently in the process of cooking until the water is dry and the millet is mushy and stuck to the bottom of the pot. Children over 2 years old should be fried three to four times a day and used up in 20 days. Children under 2 years old should be reduced appropriately.

4. Treatment of angina pectoris of coronary heart disease: 45g of Ophiopogon japonicus was decocted in water for two to three times, and the obtained juice was combined and concentrated into 30 to 45ml. Take it in three times, one dose a day for 3 to 18 months, which can benefit yin and nourish the heart.

5. The treatment milk ☆ forbids ☆ head chapping: Ophiopogon 50g, grind into fine powder, bottle and keep. When taking medicine, first use normal saline to wash the affected area, then put an appropriate amount of powder into vinegar and mix it into a paste, then apply it evenly on the affected area, change dressing every 5 hours, and use three times as a course of treatment. Don't eat spicy food during treatment, stop breastfeeding.

Mash and boil Ophiopogon, grind the juice, then put the honey in the pot (do not use the iron pot) and boil it in a heavy soup. One spoonful at a time, twice a day, mixed with warm wine.