
Application of Evodia rutaecarpa foot heart method to distinguish between true and false Evodia rutaecarpa

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Application of Evodia rutaecarpa foot heart method to distinguish between true and false Evodia rutaecarpa

Fructus evodiae is warm and moderate, relieves pain, regulates qi, dryness and dampness, treats vomiting and swallowing acid, Jueyin headache, visceral cold vomiting and diarrhea, epigastric distension pain, menstrual abdominal pain, five more diarrhea, hypertension, beriberi, hernia, mouth ulcer, toothache, eczema, yellow water sore. Now let's take a look at the method of applying the heart of Evodia rutaecarpa and how to distinguish the true and false of Evodia rutaecarpa.

Evodia rutaecarpa is applied to the sole of the foot

1. The drugstore bought Evodia rutaecarpa and beat it into powder.

2. Take 3 grams of Evodia rutaecarpa (with a small spoon of yogurt, a pointed spoon), use vinegar and make a paste.

Divide it into two parts and paste it on the sole of the foot (Yongquan acupoint) and stick it with adhesive tape.

4. Change the dressing every three days. The cold feet are caused by the lack of qi and blood. While tonifying the spleen and stomach to enhance qi and blood, we should also open up the meridians and collaterals to let qi and blood go down. In the book, there is a three-step method of "drawing qi and blood down", that is, pushing the abdomen, kneeling, and the golden rooster is independent.

Second, identify the true and false Evodia rutaecarpa

Evodia rutaecarpa is the immature fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa, which is warm in nature, hard in taste and poisonous. It has the effects of warming, relieving pain, regulating qi, dryness and dampness. it is used in the treatment of vomiting and swallowing acid, Jueyin headache, visceral cold vomiting and diarrhea, epigastric distension, oral ulcer, toothache, hernia, beriberi, eczema and yellow water sore. There are immature or nearly ripe fruits of the same family plant Evodia rutaecarpa on the market. Pay attention to identify them when using them.

1. Authentic Evodia rutaecarpa

The appearance is pentagonal oblate, 2mm in diameter, 1.5mm in height, green or green-brown on the surface, rough, with fine wrinkles and mane eyes (scientific name oil chamber), truncated at the top, with grooves and 5 cracks in the middle, sometimes with protruding stigmas in the center of the cracks, with calyx and fruit stalk at the base, fruit stalks square and round, about 3 mm long, brownish green, densely covered with hairy hair. Cross section can be seen 5 rooms of ovary, each room has 1-2 yellowish seeds, the seeds are oily, strong and fragile; the smell is strong, the taste is bitter and slightly spicy.

2. Fake smelly spicy seeds

The appearance is star-shaped oblate, with a diameter of 4mm, which is slightly larger than the authentic one. It is composed of 4 or 5 free fruits with brown or dark brown surface, rough and wrinkled, but the prominent oil spot is not as obvious as the genuine Evodia rutaecarpa. The top is deeply split in the shape of plum blossom, and the hairs of the fruit stalk are few; in the cross section, there are also 5 ovaries with 1 seed per locule, but oval in shape, dark brown, with protruding wrinkles on the seeds; no strong aroma, but a special smell, bitter taste but not spicy taste. Modern pharmacological studies show that Evodia rutaecarpa decoction has a strong inhibitory effect on Vibrio cholerae, and 10% water extract has varying degrees of inhibitory effect on 11 kinds of skin fungi, such as flocculent epidermatophytes. Its extract can excite the central nervous system, have better analgesic and hypnotic effects, increase carotid blood flow, enhance the effect of epinephrine, improve the excitability of spinal cord reflex, relax small intestinal smooth muscle, increase striated muscle tension, and has a significant effect of expelling Ascaris. Although the fake smelly spicy seed is a plant of the same family, it does not have these effects, so it can not be used as a substitute for Evodia rutaecarpa.

Third, experience prescription of Evodia rutaecarpa

1. For deficiency cold and stomachache

Then use 6 grams of Evodia, 15 grams of ginger, 12 grams of ginseng, 5 dates, fried with water.

2. For cold hernia

3. For damp beriberi caused by cold and dampness

Betel nut 7, tangerine peel 30 grams, papaya 30 grams, Evodia 6 grams, Platycodon grandiflorum 15 grams, ginger 15 grams, perilla 9 grams, for the end.

4. It is used for diarrhea caused by spleen and kidney deficiency and cold.

Then use psoralen 120 grams, Evodia 120 grams, nutmeg 60 grams, Schisandra 60 grams, for pills.

5. Stomach cold, vomiting and swallowing acid

Evodia rutaecarpa, ginger 9g each, research powder, 3G each time, take.

6. Eczema

Evodia rutaecarpa 30g (fried), cuttlebone 20g, sulfur 6g. If there is much exudate in the affected area, sprinkle with dry powder, and those without exudate are mixed with castor oil or lard, once every other day, bandaged with gauze after applying the medicine.

7. Cold dysentery

Evodia 6g, finished at the end of research, mixed with yellow wine, applied to navel.

8. Insomnia due to incompatibility between the heart and kidney

Evodia rutaecarpa 9g, at the end of the research, rice vinegar is applied to the heart.

9. Dysmenorrhea (cold coagulation and blood stasis type)

Cinnamon 10g, Evodia 20g, cumin 15g, finely ground, wine mixed on navel, fixed with adhesive tape, then heated with hot water bag.

10. Cold pain in epigastric abdomen

Evodia rutaecarpa 5g, dried ginger 6g, wood incense, tangerine peel 9g each, fried in water.

11. Spleen and kidney deficiency and cold, five more diarrhea

Evodia rutaecarpa 5g, nutmeg 6g, Schisandra chinensis, psoralen 9 g each, take after frying in water.

12. Ulcerative stomatitis

Add an appropriate amount of vinegar to Evodia powder, mix it into a paste, place it on a clean cloth, wrap it in and around Shuangzu Yongquan point, and remove it a day later.

Epigastric pain

Evodia rutaecarpa 15g, finished at the end of research, adjusted with vinegar on navel.

14. Hypertension

Evodia rutaecarpa 10g, a little vinegar. Mix Evodia with vinegar, stick to foot Yongquan, and replace it once a day.