
Do you want to cut off the yellow leaves of asparagus?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Do you want to cut off the yellow leaves of asparagus?

Asparagus leaves yellowing is often encountered, then asparagus leaves yellow should be cut off? Some flower friends do not know what to do with the yellowing of asparagus leaves. This article will talk to you about the yellowing of asparagus leaves.

Do you want to cut off the yellow leaves of asparagus?

Once the leaves of asparagus turn yellow, they can no longer turn green. In order not to affect the ornamental quality of asparagus, the yellowing leaves are generally cut off, and attention should be paid to the combination of shape and pruning when cutting off.

What if the leaves of asparagus turn yellow?

In addition to cutting off the yellowing leaves, what we should do is to find out the cause of the yellowing of asparagus leaves. Only in this way can we fundamentally solve the problem of yellowing of asparagus leaves. Here are some common causes of yellowing of asparagus leaves. Flower friends according to their own actual conservation of asparagus, careful investigation.

1. The most common is the yellowing of leaves caused by improper watering. If it is watered too much, the area of asparagus leaves yellowing is relatively large, and the branches and leaves will turn yellow, while less watering will start yellowing from the leaf tip. Usually watering, just keep the soil a little wet, remember not to accumulate water.

2. for the reason of light, asparagus is a shady plant, if the light is strong, it will lead to yellow leaves.

3, the question of fertilization, this is easier to judge, to see whether fertilizer has been applied recently.

4. the air is not ventilated, and the conservation environment of some flower friends is very closed, especially for flower friends in the north, poor ventilation is also one of the reasons for the yellowing of asparagus leaves.