
Is the happiness tree suitable for growing indoors?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Is the happiness tree suitable for growing indoors?

The reason why kumquat does not bear fruit is mostly due to excessive fertilizer and water management, too little light, and no new buds (no pruning), so kumquat results need to be improved from these three points, here are the specific methods.

1. Fertilizer and water management of kumquat.

Kumquat is generally fertilized for 7 to 10 days, and the concentration can not exceed 3/10. When blooming, attention should be paid to applying sufficient phosphate fertilizer to facilitate fruit setting. In order to control the excessive vegetative growth of plants and promote the differentiation of flower buds, the amount of water should be properly controlled during the period of flower bud differentiation and watered only when the upper tender leaves wilted slightly. The amount of water should be restored gradually after the completion of flower bud differentiation. Flowering and fruit setting period should not be watered.

2. Branch and leaf management of kumquat.

The number of kumquat fruit should be determined according to the specific situation (not too much). It is generally in the axilla of the same leaf, sometimes there are 8 flower buds, one can be left, 2 to 8 buds are left on each branch, and 1 to 2 fruits are left. Picking and pruning kumquat shoots many times a year can form flower buds, which can promote flower bud differentiation, blossom more and bear more fruit when spring shoots grow to 5 murals and 6 leaves. A pruning is carried out before the spring shoots germinate to make the germinating branches strong and well shaped.

3. Daily cultivation and management of kumquat.

After the beginning of spring, the air temperature rises and kumquat grows faster, so it is necessary to prune, that is, according to the need of leaving branches in the upper part of the round-headed trunk, choose 3-5 main branches to stay on the backbone, and cut off the backbone of other parallel branches. after that, according to the environment of the strength of the remaining backbone, the strong branch can be cut with 4-5 buds and the weaker branch with 2-3 buds. Adjust the growth of branches, promote each main branch high hair and strong spring shoots, and lay the foundation for the flowers.

After two months of growth, the new shoots are probably in full bloom. In order to control its excessive growth, the second pruning must be carried out. But the amount of pruning can be reduced, mainly by pruning. In the future, when the new shoot has 8-10 leaves, it is necessary to pick the heart once, its purpose is to induce a large number of summer shoots, in order to produce more flowers. Finally, the time to pick the heart should be decided by the fact that all the summer shoots can form buds.

4. Points for attention of kumquat

① period rain, also do not spray water on the blooming flowers, which is not conducive to pollination, but also easy to cause rotten flowers.

② avoid light lack of kumquat prefer warm, humid and sunny environment, long-term placed in the lack of indoor sunlight, plant growth is weak, affecting flower bud differentiation and fruiting.

③ avoid alkaline kumquat like acid soil, potted plants in the north can be irrigated with fertilizer and water once a week, or topdressing with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, or irrigated with 200 Mel 250 times vinegar water combined with fertilization every week, which is beneficial to thick green leaves, luxuriant growth and more fruit.