
How to keep the fresh and elegant June snow

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to keep the fresh and elegant June snow

June snow is a plant with fine white flowers, fresh and elegant, suitable for growing at home. Do you want to raise such lovely June snow? The following are the breeding methods and precautions of June snow, let's have a look.

Pot snow soil for June should be rich in humus, loose and permeable, and well drained. It can be prepared with 4 parts of rotten cow dung, 1 part of rotten cake fertilizer, 4 parts of garden soil and 1 part of coal ash. After the basin should be placed in a semi-shaded place, the basin soil should be kept moist, and the tap water must be insolated before it can be used. It has a certain ability to withstand drought, but it is not resistant to water and dampness. watering should grasp the principle of seeing dry and wet, not dry and not watered, prevent stagnant water in the basin in the rainy season, and put it on the side of the basin in rainy weather; high temperature in summer should spray water to the leaves to cool down and increase air humidity to facilitate its growth and flowering. 1% edible vinegar water can also be watered every half month to avoid soil alkalinization and plant yellowing. Thin liquid fertilizer is applied every 15 days in the growing season, or water belt fertilizer is also available. That is, thin liquid fertilizer is added every time it is watered. In addition to soil fertilization, extra-root topdressing is often carried out, and leaves are sprayed with 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to adjust pH and increase plant nutrition. Summer June snow should avoid hot sun exposure, can use small hole nylon mesh or plastic window screen to build a half-light shade, planing suitable for plant growth of the microclimate.

When it is hot and dry in summer, in addition to watering every day, sprinkle the leaves and the nearby ground with clear water in the morning and evening to cool down and increase air humidity. Snow plants in June should be placed under the shade and should not be exposed to strong sunlight for a long time. After entering autumn, as the temperature drops, the amount of water should be controlled gradually and watered once every 2 to 3 days. In winter, move to a cold room or room with no less than 0 ℃ to overwinter, watering once every 20 to 30 days; if the room temperature is above 15 ℃, evergreen leaves will not fall, water should be watered once every 7 to 10 days, keep moist air and give sunshine. Do not be frozen during the severe cold, otherwise it is easy to die. Before leaving the room in March every year, the rotten leaf soil is used to change the basin, and the bottom of the basin is made of foot angle piece as base fertilizer.

June snow is artificially cultivated in rich sandy loam. Enter the greenhouse in the middle of October, keep the room temperature at 10ml / 15 ℃, permeate once a week, and move out of the greenhouse in late April to keep it under the shade for maintenance. Do not need big fertilizer, apply dilute liquid fertilizer once a month to keep the basin soil moist and grow well. If the snow in June stays more than 5 ℃ in winter, the branches and leaves will be green and evergreen, but the soil should not be too dry and should be slightly moist. Due to the strong germinating power of June snow, many new branches will sprout from the main pole and root. It is necessary to peel off redundant new techniques in time so as not to consume nutrients and disrupt the normal development of the tree. The branches outside the protruding crown that germinate after flowering should also be pruned, otherwise it will affect the ornamental.

The cultivation of snow in June has a lot of attention, if you want to plant, you should take a careful look at the relevant knowledge above. To plant plants, we should pay more attention to irrigating them. Do you understand?