
Is it true that calla lilies can't be put in the bedroom?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Is it true that calla lilies can't be put in the bedroom?

Calla lilies are beautiful and ornamental, coupled with its fresh smell, so many people like it and put it in the bedroom. But is it true that calla lilies cannot be put in the bedroom? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

Calla lily is like a horseshoe, the shape of a strange bouquet, with a touch of good-smelling aroma, its flower language is endless love, symbolizing the slow warm romantic love. Calla lilies are suitable for planting and elegant in appearance. They are a kind of ordinary indoor flowers. But calla lilies have many advantages, but can calla lilies be put in the bedroom? Is the culture method of calla lilies simple? What is the location of calla lilies? If you don't know this, read on.

Question 1: can calla lilies be put in the bedroom?

Can I put calla lilies in the bedroom? Many people must be puzzled by these problems. Calla lilies look beautiful and harmless, so why can't they be put in the bedroom? The tubers of calla lilies are poisonous and can cause coma poisoning and even death if eaten by mistake. In fact, as long as you don't eat calla lilies, you'll be fine. It is a wrong view that calla lilies cannot be put in the bedroom. Calla lilies do not emit poisonous gases, but their tubers are poisonous.

Problem 2: the culture method of calla lilies

The culture method of calla lilies is very simple. Calla lotus is warm, moist, shaded, dry and not cold-resistant. Only according to the habits of calla lilies, calla lilies can easily survive. Usually more watering and more fertilization, put it in a cool and humid environment, calla lilies can easily survive.

Question 3: the location of calla lilies

What is the location of calla lilies? Most of the plants are placed facing north and south. Why is it placed like this? It symbolizes wealth, good luck, happiness and other auspicious signs. There has been a legend since ancient times.

It turns out that calla lilies are not poisonous and can be put in the bedroom. But here the editor also reminds everyone that the tubers of calla lilies are poisonous and should not be eaten by mistake. Please rest assured to cultivate calla lilies!