
Gecko culture base: are there any points for attention in gecko breeding? is gecko breeding illegal? Sex identification of gecko

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the points for attention in gecko culture?

Gekko gecko, also known as gecko, is a second-class protected animal in China, with high medicinal value. Due to the increase of market demand, people hunt wild gecko wantonly, which leads to the crisis of wild gecko. Because of this, a new industry has emerged in the aquaculture industry, the artificial culture of gecko. So what do we need to pay attention to when raising gecko? Let's have a look.

1. Seed selection

The selection of seedlings of Gekko gecko is the basic condition of culture. Not all environments are suitable for gecko culture, so we first need to consider the breeding environment and introduce gecko nearby after determining that it is suitable for gecko survival. Of course, the nearest introduction also needs to go to the formal business base to select seeds, followed by the selection of seedlings that have strong adaptability to the surrounding environment, good eating, agile activities, good mental state, and not inbreeding.

2. Temperature

Gecko is required to grow at a certain temperature. We all know that creatures like geckos grow in areas where the environmental team is cooler. The temperature suitable for gecko growth is generally about 18 to 25 degrees. Of course, if you encounter gecko hatching, the best temperature is above 30 degrees, which can promote the success rate of gecko hatching. In addition, when the temperature is higher in summer, it is best to cool down with wet gauze at the air inlet, and increase ventilation or use other ways to cool down to avoid gecko heatstroke; in winter, you need to pay attention to keep warm to prevent colds.

3. Lighting

Gekko gecko has little demand for light, generally wild gecko live in shady places, that is, farms should be built in places with quiet environment and low light intensity, if the light intensity is too large, it will stimulate gecko, thus affecting the normal growth of gecko. But we need to install black light in the farm, so that we can trap insects and provide food for gecko, and the light intensity of black light is very weak, which has little effect on gecko.

4. Grouping

The grouping breeding of gecko is actually the density of scientific breeding. Because gecko also has a certain degree of struggle, if the density is too high, it is easy to grab food or kill by itself, which is very disadvantageous to the breeding of gecko. Then it is best to breed only about 45 geckos per square meter, and divide them into groups reasonably according to the size and strength of gecko, otherwise the weak gecko is very vulnerable.

The matters needing attention in gecko culture are introduced to you by the editor. In addition, gecko is also aggressive to strangers, so we should cultivate feelings with gecko in the process of breeding, so as to feed and manage in the later stage. If you are interested in gecko culture, you can follow us to get more wonderful content.

Sex identification of gecko

Look at the cloaca (commonly known as *), there are two oval protuberances after the opening of the cloaca (the root of the tail) in the male, and the female is a whole.

It is not difficult to distinguish gecko from its appearance. Generally speaking, males are large and stout, with a larger head and a thinner neck and pseudo-thinner neck, while females do the opposite. The brain is big and the tail is male.