
Looking for the cold resistance of the green green apple in winter?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Looking for the cold resistance of the green green apple in winter?

Green radish is one of the most common household plants, because it can bring good visual presentation effect, plus green radish is relatively easy to grow. Some people will raise green radish on the balcony, but the north winter is very cold also did not move green radish back, think green radish cold, then green radish cold?

Green distemper is not cold-resistant.

Green distemper is a shade plant, like humid environment, avoid direct sunlight, like shade. Hi rich in humus, loose fertile, slightly acidic soil. Overwintering temperature should not be lower than 15℃. Like scattering light, more resistant to shade. It meets water namely live, because tenacious vitality, is called "the flower of life". The green branches and leaves spread down, very easy to satisfy. Indoor cultivation, whether potted or broken a few stems hydroponics, can grow well. It can be attached to a column made of brown, or cultivated into a pendent shape and placed in a study, windowsill, or directly potted. It is a beautiful flower suitable for indoor planting.

Green radish likes warm and humid environment, requiring loose soil, fertile and good drainage. Potted green radish should be selected fertile, loose, good drainage of moldy soil, acid is good. Green radish is extremely shade tolerant, can be placed in the indoor sunny place four seasons, in the dark indoor, should be moved to the strong light environment every half month to restore a period of time, otherwise easy to make internode growth, leaves become smaller. Green radish likes humid and hot environment, winter temperature should not be lower than 15℃, basin soil should be kept moist, should often spray water to the leaves, improve air humidity, in order to facilitate the growth of aerial roots. During the vigorous growth period, liquid fertilizer can be poured once a month. The leaves at the base of the stem of the plants that have been viewed indoors for a long time are easy to fall off, reducing the ornamental value. They can be pruned and renewed in May and June when the temperature turns warm, so as to promote the germination of new buds at the base stem.

Is green radish cold? Green radish is not cold-resistant, so it needs to be moved back to warm indoor in winter, so that green radish will not wither or die due to severe cold. Raising green radish must give it a suitable environment so that it can flourish.