
How does the tree grow and grow?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How does the tree grow and grow?

Guanyinlian is a necessary choice for many succulent junior players. Let's discuss with his family how to breed Guanyinlian. I hope this experience will be helpful to the conservation of Guanyin lotus.

Propagation method of Guanyinlian: leaf insertion

Lay the complete mature leaves on the moist sandy soil, with the leaves facing up and back down, without covering the soil and placing them in a cool place. Leaflets and new roots can grow from the base of the leaves in about 10 days, and the roots can be buried in the soil. In the future, let it bask in the sun, properly water and fertilize, and it will gradually grow into a strong new plant.

Propagation method of Guanyinlian: cuttings

Single leaf, tiller branch or top branch can be used, and the cutting length is unlimited, but after the cut is dry, remove the lower leaves and insert them into the sand bed. It usually takes about 20 days to take root after insertion. Insert soil should not be too wet, otherwise the cut is easy to yellow rot, the root length of 2-3 meters on the basin. It can also be inserted with blades.

Propagation method of Guanyinlian: ramet

It's best to do it in spring. Cuttings are often used to breed. Indoor cuttings can be carried out in all seasons, especially from August to October, with fast rooting and high survival rate. Cuttings can be cut with single leaves, tillers or apical branches, and the length of the cuttings is unlimited, but the cut should be dried and then inserted into the sand bed. It usually takes about 20 days to take root after insertion.

Breeding method of Guanyinlian: pest control

It is often harmed by scab, leaf spot and root-knot nematodes, which can be controlled by spraying with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times, and root-knot nematodes with 3% carbofuran granules. Pests are harmful to black weevil and are sprayed with a 500-fold solution of 25% carbaryl wettable powder.

The breeding methods of crassulaceae Guanyinlian mainly include leaf cuttings, cuttings, split plants, etc., no matter the new plants or the old ones bought without pots, do not water when they are first planted, and spray a little water on the leaves at most.