
What are the characteristics of peony flowers to popularize peony knowledge

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the characteristics of peony flowers to popularize peony knowledge

Peony flower in our memory is one of the four famous flowers, but also a symbol of nobility, people who have seen peony flowers know that it does give people a sense of nobility, gorgeous but not lose the atmosphere, today is mainly to introduce some of the characteristics of peony flowers. Here the editor will popularize the knowledge of peonies for everyone. After all, what are the characteristics of peony?

Here the editor is mainly introduced from three aspects, mainly the appearance characteristics, growth characteristics and flower species characteristics of these three aspects, the following details.

1. Shape features: peony deciduous shrubs, so the plant type is small. This kind of plant grows slowly, the plant height is between 0.5 and 2 meters, the root is fleshy, thick and long, the center is lignified, the length is generally 0.5 to 0.8 meters, and a few roots are up to 2 meters in length; the color of root bark and root flesh varies from variety to variety; the branches are erect and brittle, round, shrubby for clumping several branches from the rhizome, and the branches of the current year are smooth, vegetation, yellowish brown, often cracking and peeling off. The leaves are alternate, the leaves are usually 2-Ternate, the upper part of the branch is often simple, the leaflets are lanceolate, oval, elliptic, etc., the terminal leaflet is often 2-3-lobed, the top of the leaf is dark green or yellowish green, and the lower is grayish green, smooth or hairy; the total petiole is 8-20 cm long, with grooves on the surface.

2. Growth characteristics: peony flowers are bisexual flowers born at the top of branches in the same year, with large colors and beautiful shapes, with a diameter of 10 to 30 meters. The colors of peony flowers are white, yellow, pink, red, purple, purple), snow blue, green, and complex colors; the male pistil often has petal phenomenon, the so-called petal phenomenon is affected by some special environment and produce complex changes, and make the stigma, filaments longer and wider petal-shaped phenomenon. The natural increase of petals and the degree of male and pistil petalization are related to varieties, cultivation environment conditions, growth years and so on.

3. Characteristics of flower species: normal peony flowers have numerous stamens, strong seed-setting ability, high seed maturity, flowers with severe pistil petalization, few seeds and sterile or sterile seeds, complete stamens free, carpels generally 5, less than 8, each with a bottle-shaped ovary, marginal placenta, most ovules, pentagonal bone fruit, 713 seeds per horn, round seeds, common yellow when mature, and dark brown when old. The diameter of mature seeds is 0.6-0.9 mm, and the weight of 1000 seeds is about 400 grams.

I believe that through the introduction of the above editor, we have a deeper understanding of peony, through its appearance characteristics can stand a peony in your mind, through its growth characteristics can better understand its growth habits, through its flower characteristics can have a deep understanding of it.