
What are the points for attention in how to raise flamingos?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What are the points for attention in how to raise flamingos?

The fiery crane flower, also known as Anthurium andraeanum, is often used in family potted plants, and it is small and easy to move, and its fiery red color gives people an auspicious feeling, especially during the Spring Festival, many people will choose flaming crane potted plants. So, how to raise flamingos? Do you have any points for attention?

We generally introduce the planting methods of plants according to its habits, that is, which environment it is suitable to grow in. Let's introduce it in detail below.

The flamingo belongs to the flower variety which is sensitive to salt. therefore, the pH value of the substrate should be controlled between 5.2 and 6.1 as far as possible to optimize the growth of Anthurium andraeanum. If the pH value is too small, the flower stem becomes shorter, it will reduce the ornamental value. Tap water is suitable for planting Anthurium andraeanum, but the price is expensive; natural Rain Water is the best water source in Anthurium andraeanum cultivation.

The effect of root fertilization on flamingos is much better than that of foliar topdressing. Because there is a layer of wax on the surface of the leaves of flamingos, the fertilizer can not be well absorbed. The principle of regular quantitative application of liquid fertilizer should be grasped. In autumn, 3-4 days is a cycle. If the temperature is high, fertilizer and water can be irrigated once in 2-3 days depending on the dry and wet degree of the substrate in the basin; in summer, fertilizer and water can be irrigated once every 2 days, and once more when the temperature is high; in autumn, fertilizer and water can be irrigated once in 5-7 days. The time of fertilization varies depending on the climatic environment, usually from 8 a.m. to 17:00, and from 9 a.m. to 16:00 in winter or early spring.

Flamingos grow according to the cycle of "→ flowers, → leaves, → flowers". Inflorescences are formed in the axils of each leaf. This leads to the same yield of flowers and leaves, and the most important factor in the difference in yield is light. If the light is too little, the assimilates produced by the plant under the influence of photosynthesis are also very little; when the light is too strong, part of the leaves of the plant will become warm, which may cause discoloration, burns or scorching of the leaves.

There are some phenomena such as premature senescence, deformity, adhesion, fissures, vitrification and blue spots in potted flamingos, which are mainly caused by fertilization, improper humidity management of potted soil and air or physiological ☆ prohibition of ☆ diseases caused by varieties. The prevention method is to improve cultivation management, reasonable fertilization and proper ventilation.

The above introduction Xiaobian specifically talked about how to create an environment suitable for flamingos to grow. It talked about some places that we should pay attention to. Unlike animals, plants grow in a fixed place, so we need to pay more attention to help it change the environment.