
How to raise carnations need to pay attention to what

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise carnations need to pay attention to what

A mention of carnations makes people think of mother, carnation flowers beautiful, simple never exaggerated dazzling, this quality and mother are very similar, this may be the meaning of sending carnations to mother on Mother's Day, if you also want to plant a pot of carnations but do not know how to plant them, then small noodles Xiaobian will introduce you to how to raise carnations? What should I pay attention to?

Carnations are exquisite in shape, elegant and clean in spots, dignified and generous, fragrant and quiet. They are beautiful and elegant models. We can plant a pot for our mother. I believe my mother will be very happy. Then how to raise carnations? The following small series will give you an introduction.

1. Soil: Carnation planting requires soil drainage good, humus rich, good fertility and slightly alkaline clay soil.

2. Watering: Carnations grow strong and drought resistant. Rainy and wet areas, soil hardening, root system due to poor ventilation and development is not normal, so pay attention to loose soil drainage in rainy season. During the period of vigorous growth, water in time, water more, usually water to maintain soil moisture can be. Water should be sprayed before flowering.

3. Fertilization: Carnations like fertilizer, apply sufficient baking fertilizer and bone powder before planting, continuously apply liquid fertilizer during the growth period, generally apply decomposed thin fertilizer water every 10 days or so, and apply topdressing after picking flowers.

The above is the cultivation method of carnations. The following small series will introduce you to what you need to pay attention to when raising carnations.

Carnation flowers are beautiful, but also the most valuable, how to let carnations blossom? This needs to start from the seedlings, mainly picking, that is, knocking off the branches, when the seedlings grow 8 to 9 pairs of leaves, the first picking, retaining 4--6 pairs of leaves; when the lateral branches grow more than 4 pairs of leaves.

Carnations are important characteristics of strong light, but not the sun, whether indoor potted plants or greenhouse planting, all need a sufficient light, placed in the sunny position on the growth of carnations have great benefits.

The above is all about how to raise carnations, what to pay attention to, I hope this article can help you, and I wish your carnations grow luxuriantly and bloom beautiful flowers as soon as possible.