
What are the methods of growing lemon potted plants? it consists of several steps.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What are the methods of growing lemon potted plants? it consists of several steps.

Usually when we eat fruit with seeds, we have the idea of planting its seeds, but we often get nothing. In fact, our method is wrong. We don't know how to grow lemons, such as lemons. Today, the editor will teach you a way to turn fruit seeds into forests, so that people can plant potted lemons themselves. So, what are the ways to grow potted lemons? How many steps does it consist of?

In the first step, we choose a non-porous basin (because the lemon seeds are relatively small, we can choose a smaller basin to create a forest scene).

The second step, remember to buy nucleated lemons, cut fresh lemons, take out the seeds, and choose full seeds.

The third step is to put the seeds in a bowl, rinse with clean water several times, and then soak the seeds for a week (change the water every day until most of the seeds are cracked, which is a sign that the buds inside are coming out).

The fourth step is to lay a layer of pebbles in the basin. The gap between literacy can retain air and excess water, making the roots of plants breathable.

Fifth, pour into the bagged soil bought in the flower market, spread it close to the edge of the pot, press the seeds one and a half into the soil, and remember to put the tip up and the round head down, it will be easier to germinate.

The sixth step is to lay a layer of pebbles on the seeds (it is recommended to use porous water-absorbing materials such as Maifan stone, volcanic stone and laterite).

Step 7, spray water slowly around the basin four times with a spray can, and the soil will be almost drenched. Just spray water twice a day. Wait patiently.

The eighth step, the waiting time will be a little long, about ten days, during which the moldy and dead seeds should be picked up in time, and after more than ten days, the small buds will begin to sprout. More than a month later, the hard-cultivated lemon forest grew into.

Small potted plant is very popular with young people in recent years. Its small and lovely and its anti-radiation effect in front of the computer are the reasons why people like it. We might as well try to plant a pot by ourselves. It will bring a different feeling to our home.