
What is the price of potted sweet-scented osmanthus how to cultivate potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is the price of potted sweet-scented osmanthus how to cultivate potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees

As potted plants are favored and welcomed by everyone, potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees are also a trend, so how about the price of potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees and how to cultivate potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees?

Potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees are inexpensive and affordable, so they are the choice for many people to plant potted plants. Of course, the price of potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees will fluctuate with different species of sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

How to cultivate Osmanthus fragrans?

The principle of watering potted sweet-scented osmanthus is neither dry nor watered, but thoroughly watered. The identification of dry and wet basin soil can be realized from the soil color and the degree of hand feeling. Generally, the basin is grayish white, and when you press the basin soil with your fingers, it shows that the basin soil is dry and needs watering; on the contrary, if the basin soil is brown and black, and the hand press basin soil has a soft and moist feeling, it shows that the basin soil is still relatively moist and does not need watering. As for the specific amount of watering, it should be determined according to plant growth, the texture and size of potted containers, especially the changes in the weather.

The temperature is high in summer, the water in the basin evaporates quickly, and the water transpiration of leaves is also large. At this time, the watering amount of potted sweet-scented osmanthus will be greatly increased. The daily average temperature is more than 25 ℃, watering once a day should be carried out in the afternoon, and the daily average temperature is 30 ℃ or above, watering once in the morning and evening, the scorching sun is in the sky at noon, shading properly and spraying water at the same time to prevent the leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus from burning. In addition, after the rainstorm in midsummer, it is necessary to remove the stagnant water in the basin in time. Otherwise, if the weather clears up after the rain and the basin soil gets hot, it will burn the roots and lead to the death of the plant. Before blooming in autumn, the temperature begins to drop, so it is appropriate to reduce the amount of watering. Too much watering will often cause early bud drop of potted sweet-scented osmanthus and affect flowering. However, before and after potted sweet-scented osmanthus blossoms, keeping the soil and air moist environmental conditions is more important for flowering. It is necessary to spray more water on the leaves and increase the air relative humidity in order to facilitate the budding and flowering of sweet-scented osmanthus. It is more important to control moisture in winter. Too much watering will cause rotten roots, but not too little. It is generally watered every 7 to 10 days, and each time it is fully watered to prevent the root system from drying. If the watering is not permeable, the surface of the basin soil is wet, while the lower layer is dry and short of water, commonly known as "waist water cut off", the leaf tip will dry or even fall off, affecting the safety of the plant through the winter. Watering in winter can be carried out in the sun around noon, so that the water temperature is close to the soil temperature, so that the roots of potted sweet-scented osmanthus are less affected by low temperature.

The above is the content introduced by the editor. I hope you can make a reference for planting.