
What are the common problems in the process of cyclamen cultivation?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the common problems in the process of cyclamen cultivation?

Cyclamen is a very beautiful ornamental flower, cyclamen is not only beautiful but also has a very elegant name, so many companies like to put cyclamen to symbolize that the business is more and more prosperous, so how to keep cyclamen? What are the common problems in the process of cultivation?

What if your company is preparing to cultivate several pots of cyclamen but has no experience? despite the fact that cyclamen blossoms are very beautiful, it is not easy for you to raise it well. Let's follow the editor to learn how to raise cyclamen.

Cyclamen cultivation method:

1. Select full seeds: select full and glossy brown seeds, and carry out seed treatment, put the seeds in about 30 ℃ plus new high-fat film, which can be mixed with seed coating agent, can ward off underground diseases and insects, isolate virus infection, do not affect the function of germination and swelling, strengthen respiratory intensity, improve seed germination rate, soak in water for 3 hours and 4 hours, then sow seeds, and then bloom about 10 days earlier than unsoaked seeds.

2. Management of growth process: cyclamen is a plant that likes wet and afraid of waterlogging. Too much water is not conducive to its growth and development, and even causes rotten roots and death. Therefore, reasonable watering is very important. Therefore, keep the soil moist every day, and the amount of water should not be too large. Increasing the application of fertilizer and cyclamen are also fertilizer-loving plants. First of all, we should start with the soil and apply reasonable fertilizer according to the needs of the plant, which can blossom 15-20 days ahead of time. Spray new high-fat film to preserve fertilizer and soil moisture.

3, temperature light control: cyclamen is very sensitive to temperature and can not bear high temperature. About 20 ℃ in the daytime is suitable for the growth temperature, and when the environment is about 10 ℃ at night, the temperature in the seedling stage can be slightly lower. Cyclamen likes the sun and prolongs the sunshine time, which can promote its early flowering, hypertrophy of petals, colorful flowers, rich fragrance and prolonged flowering period.

The above is about cyclamen how to cultivate the method of introduction, the following editor for you to supplement the common problems in the process of cyclamen breeding.

Common problems and solutions in the process of cyclamen culture

Grey mold disease

The main symptom is that the lesion has a small spot with a diameter of 1-2 mm, and then gradually expands and shows brown rot. When the petiole or flower stalk is infected, the leaf or flower folds upside down, and there is a gray mildew layer in the lesion, which turns into a yellowish mildew layer, which is caused by high humidity and poor ventilation.

Prevention and treatment:

First, timely ventilation to reduce air humidity

The second is to remove diseased leaves in time to reduce the source of infection.

The third is to spray Dysen zinc, carbendazim and other broad-spectrum fungicides.

Soft rot

It was mostly caused by bacterial infection, and the disease site showed softening and decay, and the occurrence site was more common in the corm. Mainly matrix disinfection is not complete or no disinfection, high temperature or high humidity is easy to occur. Control methods can be sprayed with agricultural streptomycin or carbendazim and so on.

About how to raise cyclamen, what are the points for attention for you to introduce here. Through the above introduction of the editor, have you learned how to cultivate cyclamen? If you have learned it, go and raise a pot of cyclamen of your own.