
What is the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree? what is the treatment method?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree? what is the treatment method?

The wealth tree symbolizes good luck and wealth. During the Spring Festival, many families will put a pot of wealth trees, but many friends reflect that after the wealth trees have been placed for a period of time, the leaves will turn yellow. What's the matter? In order to solve everyone's doubts, the editor will give you an analysis today, what is the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree, and what is the way to deal with it?

If you find that the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow, the first thing is not to throw it away, but to find out why, and then prescribe the right medicine to make it green and alive again, then what to do with it? The editor summed up the reasons and corresponding countermeasures, hoping to help you.

Too much watering of the rich tree will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Therefore, when raising, we should pay attention to the amount of water. If you water too much, stop this behavior. The basis for watering is to look at the surface of the rich tree. If there is dry soil, it should be watered.

Watering too much leaves will yellowing, natural watering less, will also lead to leaves yellowing. You can judge for yourself that if you don't water for several days in a row, you will turn yellow. At this time, you should judge the amount of watering by the dry and wet soil on the surface.

stuffy room without ventilation. If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the branches and leaves will grow luxuriantly, coupled with the long-term unpruned, resulting in insufficient light in the inner chamber branches and leaves, which is easy to cause the leaves to yellowing and falling off. Reasonable fertilization should be applied and pruning should be strengthened to make it ventilated and transparent.

The air is dry. When the indoor air is too dry, some flowers that like the humid environment, such as hanging orchids and orchids, often appear leaf tip dryness or leaf edge scorching and so on. Attention should be paid to water spraying, covering plastic film cover and other methods to increase air humidity.

The temperature is not right. If the room temperature is too low in winter, the flowers are often vulnerable to cold damage, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves and death in severe cases. If the room temperature is too high, the transpiration of the plant is too high, and the root water and nutrients are in short supply, the leaves will turn yellow. Please pay attention to adjust the room temperature in time.

Take a closer look at the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree, and if you find that there are bugs or signs of insect bite or crawling, it proves that your rich tree has diseases and insect pests. At this time, it is recommended to find a gardener and ask him to give you an insecticide.

Even if the rich tree becomes wilted, then, especially at noon in summer, do not water it. You must wait until the sun sets before watering it. If you water it at high temperature, it will only burn to the root, and the leaves will turn yellow and roughly crippled.

The above are the possible reasons and treatment methods for the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree. I believe everyone has mastered it, right? If a similar situation occurs in the wealth tree in your home, you are advised to deal with it in a timely manner.