
What are the secrets of the efficacy and function of albizzia that you don't know?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the secrets of the efficacy and function of albizzia that you don't know?

Acacia, the green leaves are shy, the flowers are like brocade, the fragrance of the flowers is refreshing, and the troubles are gone. Such acacia flowers are deeply loved by many friends, so what are the effects and functions of albizzia flowers? Today, the editor is here to reveal to you the secret of what you don't know about acacia.

Albizia, deciduous trees, up to 16m high. Trunk grayish black; twigs, inflorescences, and leaf rachis tomentose or pubescent. Stipules linear-lanceolate, smaller, caducous; bipinnately compound, alternate; total petiole 3-5cm long, with one gland each near the base and the topmost pair of pinnae; pinnae 4-12 pairs, sometimes up to 20 pairs; leaflets 10-30 pairs, linear to oblong, long 6-12mm, 1-4mm wide, oblique upward, apex apiculate, ciliate, sometimes pubescent below or only on midrib Midrib is close to the upper edge. Heads arranged in panicles at the top of branches; pollen red; calyx tubular, 3mm long; Corolla long 8mm, lobes triangular, long 1.5mm, calyx pubescent outside; stamens numerous, basally connate, filaments slender; ovary superior, style nearly as long as filaments, stigma Terete. Pods banded, 9-15cm long and 1. 5-2.5cm wide, young pods pilose, old pods glabrous. The florescence is from June to July and the fruiting period is from August to October. Because of its sensitivity to light and heat, every sunset, pairs of pinnate leaves slowly close together, the next morning gradually separated, in the hot summer afternoon, there is this phenomenon, but not as close as the night, so it is also known as the night.

Then, the efficacy of albizzia flower: it contains albizzia glycoside, tannin, relieving depression and calming the mind, nourishing yin and yang, regulating qi and appetizer, activating collaterals and relieving pain, and is used for restlessness, depression and insomnia. Treatment of depression, insomnia, forgetfulness, wind and fire eyes, can calm the five internal organs, and mind, please color, has a better physical, sedative, calming, cosmetic effect, but also a good product for the treatment of neurasthenia. It also has the effects of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, nourishing beauty, dispelling spots and relieving alcohol.

In addition, the role of albizzia flower: Albizzia flower has a calming effect, mainly to treat depression and chest tightness, insomnia and forgetfulness, nourishing yin and tonifying yang, eye diseases, neurasthenia and other effects. As an ornamental, there were only small flowers in the past, but now there are large and beautiful varieties. July is a hot month. A tree of green leaves and red flowers, Cuibi swaying, brought some coolness, but when she approached her, she gladly blushed, like the red lips of a shy girl, and like the blush of a shy girl, which was really pleasing to the eye, and her anger disappeared. At that time, people praised the day: the leaves were like mimosa, and the flowers were like beautiful flowers. It is refreshing to hear the trouble when you see it. Praise the day: there is no spring on the branches at night, sit with the wind in the morning, let his bright moon want to shine, collect all his heart not to others. Albizzia flower Ganping non-toxic, with relieving depression and tranquilizing, nourishing yin and Yang. Used for restlessness, depression, insomnia and other effects. From a medical point of view, albizzia bark-bark is suitable for people with mild insomnia, but can not be used for a long time. Long-term use will do great harm to the body.

The above introduction about the efficacy and function of the albizzia flower, as well as the little secret of the albizzia flower that you don't know, whether you like it more, and whether you will pay more attention to its side effects after using it later.