
What is succulent Guanyin lotus? how to raise it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is succulent Guanyin lotus? how to raise it?

Now people like to raise more and more flowers and grass to enrich life and adjust body and mind. In recent years, succulent plants have become popular in the plant world. Many office workers and students are fascinated by this small pot of meat, but some may not pay attention to this aspect or do not understand it. So today we will popularize science. What is succulent Guanyin lotus? How to breed? Friends, watch carefully ~

What is a succulent lotus? This problem may be understood by many people, but when it comes to breeding methods, many plant killers who claim that "cacti can be raised to death" may have a headache. Next, let's learn step by step, starting from understanding!

Guanyinlian of Jingtianke Changshengcao is a kind of common succulent plant, that is, we often say a kind of common goods, but it is this kind of common goods, but it is the first fleshy one that is raised and died in a small series. I believe everyone has encountered such a situation, so how should Guanyinlian be cultivated?

1. Native place and growing environment

Originated in Spain, France, Italy and other European countries mountainous areas, like sunny and cool dry environment, for alpine succulent plants, summer high temperature and winter cold plants are in dormancy, the main growth period in the cooler spring and autumn seasons, growth period requires sufficient sunlight, if insufficient light will lead to loose plant shape, not compact, affecting its viewing, and in the light of sufficient growth of plants, leaves plump, compact plant shape, beautiful leaf color.

2. Cultivation soil requirements

Potted appropriate with loose, well-ventilated drainage soil rich in humus, preferably with rotten leaves, peat, coarse sand or vermiculite each half, properly mixed with a small amount of bone meal calcareous materials, mixed evenly on it.

3. Cultivation and maintenance

The newly planted Guanyinlian should be watered as little as possible to keep the soil in a semi-dry state, which is conducive to the recovery of roots. After the root system grows well, watering should maintain the principle of "not dry, not watering, watering thoroughly" to avoid root rot, but not too dry, otherwise the plant grows slowly, yellows or even dies. Plants evaporate badly in summer, so we should pay more attention to watering them. Leaves will appear dry water, so often to spray water on the leaves, keep wet, but must avoid water in the basin, otherwise it will cause root rot.

4. Growth temperature and environment

Guanyinlian likes a semi-shady warm environment, suitable for daily growth of about 25 degrees, winter can be more than 15 degrees during the day, night temperature is not lower than 5℃, plants can continue to grow, can be watered normally, and appropriate fertilization; if control watering, so that plants dormancy, but also 0℃ low temperature. Intolerant to heat, plant growth gradually stops after May and enters summer dormancy period. Families can place them under corridors or inside balconies where there is no direct sunlight, good ventilation and no rain, and control watering and stop fertilizing to avoid plant decay due to sultry, humid and stagnant soil.

5. Reproductive methods

Interplanting: Guanyin lotus propagation is generally carried out with lateral seedlings, which can be carried out in sand. After insertion, it will be kept slightly moist. After 2~3 weeks, there will be roots under the leaflet plate directly on the basin.

Sowing: Sowing at about 20 ° C, about 10 to 15 days germination, although the seedlings grow slowly, but a large number of seedlings can be obtained at one time.

Leaf insertion: leaf insertion survival rate is low, so it is rarely used. But if it's partially melted, you can still try it.

Tissue cultivation: this high-tech method, conditions and interest can be tried.

6, precautions: Guanyin lotus is wet but should not be excessively wet, extremely dry will make the leaf tip scorched; lack of light or high night temperature is easy to cause the plant to grow.

The above is the introduction and related breeding methods of fleshy Guanyin lotus compiled by Xiaobian for everyone. I don't know if you understand? Flower-raising is expensive in the heart, we want to get rid of the title of plant killer, we must pay more attention to more cautious oh!