
Causes of soft leg disease in caged laying hens

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes of soft leg disease in caged laying hens

At present, in order to facilitate the management of laying hens, most of them will adopt the cage mode, but the phenomenon of soft legs will appear in the breeding process, which is the decline of laying rate, paralysis and even death. So what is the cause of soft legs in caged laying hens? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Nutritional reasons

The soft legs of laying hens are mostly caused by lack of calcium. Due to the lack of nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamins in feed, the phenomenon of soft legs may occur if layers are not replenished for a long time.

Prevention and control measures: after the phenomenon of soft legs, it is necessary to check the feed formula of laying hens, adjust the content of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins in the feed, so that it can meet the needs of laying hens, and the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is normal.

2. Environmental reasons

When the temperature is high, the feed intake of laying hens will decrease, and the intake of nutrients will be insufficient, especially the intake of calcium is seriously insufficient, so there will be the phenomenon of soft-footed chickens. in addition, stress caused by people or other animals will also lead to the phenomenon of soft legs caused by excessive movement of layers.

Prevention and control measures: in the period of high temperature and heat in summer, we should do a good job in cooling and heat prevention measures, strengthen ventilation, and at the same time increase the content of minerals and vitamins in feed, so that we can still get sufficient reasons for the decline in feed intake of laying hens to meet their nutritional needs. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the environment of the chicken house quiet and reduce the stress of the flock.

3. The cause of disease

Disease is also one of the main causes of soft leg disease in laying hens, which can lead to Newcastle disease, Marek's disease, infectious encephalomyelitis, joint synovitis, colibacillosis, staphylococcal infection and so on.

Prevention and control measures: for diseases that can cause soft legs of laying hens, preventive inoculation measures should be taken to put an end to the occurrence of the disease. after the occurrence of the disease, the disease should be diagnosed according to the symptoms of the disease, prescribe the right medicine to the case, and be treated in time.

4. Feed nutrition

Layers have a certain dependence on feed, long-term consumption of a kind of feed will form a certain taste, if the feed formula or quality is changed in a short time, it may lead to a decline in feed intake, resulting in insufficient nutritional intake, resulting in soft legs.

Prevention and control measures: so the daily feed replacement should be reduced, if the replacement should be carried out gradually and slowly, it is not suitable for a large number of replacement.

The above is an introduction to the causes of soft leg disease in caged laying hens. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.