
What is the reason for egg shell whitening of laying hens?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the reason for egg shell whitening of laying hens?

When raising laying hens, many farmers will find that the eggshell color is white and lighter. Although the eggshell color has nothing to do with its nutritional value, consumers like darker eggs, which will have an impact on income. So what is the reason why the eggshell turns white? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Seasonality

Continuous high temperature and heat in summer, laying hens breathe faster, heat dissipation is more difficult, in order to dissipate heat will be a lot of drinking water, resulting in a decline in feed intake, which leads to the lack of nutrition, easy to form white eggshells. In addition, high temperature will cause respiratory diseases of laying hens, increase carbon dioxide in the blood, decrease amino acids, and weaken the formation of eggshells in the reproductive tract, resulting in white eggshells. Oil can be added to the falling feed to increase the body of amino acids in the morning, strengthen ventilation, speed up the heat dissipation of chickens, reduce stress and reduce white eggshells.

2. Nutrition

The lack of vitamins, minerals, calcium and phosphorus in the feed of laying hens will cause egg shell whitening. During the first laying, the daily intake of calcium should not be less than 4.2. Vitamins can promote the absorption of calcium by laying hens, increase the activity of thyroid, make calcium secreted from bones, increase the content of blood calcium, and thus deepen the color of eggshell.

3. Harmfulness

Many diseases will also cause egg shell whitening, such as chronic Newcastle disease, colibacillosis, Pasteurella multocida and so on. In addition to diseases infecting the reproductive system, they cause digestive disorders and absorption of calcium, phosphorus and nutrients by laying hens after they get sick. Once the layers are nutritionally deficient, the phenomenon of white eggshells will appear, and in serious cases, they will stop laying eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the disease in time, the field nutrient solution in the feed area, improve intestinal function, improve immunity and disease resistance, after disease treatment, there are few field vitamins, calcium and phosphorus in the feed, which can make the laying of laying hens normal as soon as possible.

4. Other factors

Stress in laying hens will also lead to egg production, and will be accompanied by the phenomenon of lighter eggshell color, then adjust the feeding environment, eliminate stress, enhance nutrition, will eliminate the phenomenon of white eggshell in a short time. Light will also affect the laying of laying hens, lack of light, irregularity will also appear white eggshell, to take artificial light time to maintain stability. In addition, due to the aging of some laying hens, there will also be the phenomenon of white eggshells, so this kind of laying hens should be eliminated and updated in time.

The above is the egg shell whitening is why the introduction, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.