
How to make layers lay more eggs

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to make layers lay more eggs

In laying hen farming, when the laying rate of laying hens reaches more than 90%, this is the peak laying period, but in other periods, the laying rate is higher, so many farmers often take measures to make layers lay more eggs in order to obtain greater benefits. So how to make layers lay more eggs? Let's drink the editor and introduce it in detail.

1. Attach importance to the breeding of adult chickens.

First of all, the breeding of laying hens with higher laying rate can achieve an excellent laying peak period. when cultivating young laying hens, it is necessary to keep their body weight neat, strong bones and well-developed muscles as the underground foundation for more laying eggs, and choose the appropriate time when raising chicks. If summer happens to lead to the peak period of egg production, the environment of high temperature and humidity will affect the feeding of hens, which will lead to a decline in body weight and egg production. Therefore, it is best to be bred in summer and lay eggs in autumn, which can not only ensure a high laying rate, but also maintain a long peak period of egg production.

2. Control the feeding environment

Light has a stimulating effect on laying hens and can promote ovulation, so appropriately increasing the duration of light can promote laying eggs. The extension time of light should be determined according to the body weight and sexual maturity of laying hens. Generally, chickens that reach the standard should extend the light for half an hour per week, and the maximum should not exceed 16 hours a day. If the time is not up to the standard, it is appropriate to extend the time. It is appropriate to control the light intensity at 7.5-10 lux. In addition, the appropriate temperature and humidity will also increase the laying rate, the temperature should be controlled between 23 and 28 degrees, and the humidity should be kept between 60% and 70%. At the same time, ventilation should also be strengthened to avoid excessive carbon dioxide concentration in the henhouse, causing respiratory diseases in the flock and reducing the laying rate. In addition, the sanitary environment should also be strengthened, frequent cleaning, regular disinfection, but also pay attention to the stress of chickens, harassment, shock, water cut and other stress will lead to the decline of egg production.

3. Strengthen feeding and management.

The more layers lay, the more nutrients will be consumed. If the nutrition supply is insufficient, the layers will not lay eggs, so it is necessary to supply comprehensive, high-quality and palatable feed during the laying period. Feed traditional Chinese medicine to improve the content of minerals and vitamins, especially the hearing of calcium, laying hens lack of calcium for a year to produce soft-shell or thin-shell eggs. The frequency of feeding can be appropriately increased to encourage laying hens to eat more, but if the feed intake increases after the peak of egg production, attention should be paid to avoid overnutrition, causing fatty liver, prolapse of anus, laying abdominal eggs and so on. In addition to feed, water is also indispensable to laying hens. If the layers are cut off for more than 24 hours, the egg production will be reduced by 30%, and it will take a month to recover; if the water cut is more than 48%, it will lead to the death of laying hens. So if you want to lay more eggs, keep clean drinking water is the key.

The above is the introduction of how to make layers lay more eggs. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.