
Points for attention in raising laying hens in spring

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Points for attention in raising laying hens in spring

The climate warms up in spring, the temperature gradually picks up, and the duration of sunshine is also gradually prolonging. It is the laying hens that make it easy to lay eggs. However, due to the warming of the temperature, it will lead to lax management and the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms. It is extremely easy to bring adverse effects to laying hens. If you want to raise laying hens during the Spring Festival, you should pay special attention to a few points. Let's take a look at the detailed introduction. 、

1. Pay attention to cold prevention

Although the temperature rises gradually in spring, the climate is not stable, and there may be a sudden return of warmth to cold, and the temperature difference between day and night is still relatively, so when slowly removing cold prevention facilities, we should pay attention to avoid the cold of chickens. Do not suddenly remove the thermal insulation facilities because of temporary convenience, resulting in excessive temperature difference, so that chickens catch colds or other diseases, and may die in serious cases.

2. Pay attention to ventilation

With the rise of temperature, the respiration and metabolism of chickens are accelerated. If the henhouse is not well ventilated, it can easily lead to respiratory alkalosis and sudden death. So ventilation is essential, to keep the air fresh in the chicken house, in ventilation, in addition to heat preservation and cold protection, but also according to the temperature, wind direction and size to determine the number of times, size and direction of the window. First open the upper window, then the lower window; open more windows during the day for ventilation and cooling, and do not open windows at night; open more windows at high temperature and less or no windows at low temperature. In this way, the respiratory diseases of chickens in spring can be avoided, the laying rate can be increased and the income can be increased.

3. Pay attention to epidemic prevention

When the temperature rises in spring, it is also a period when bacteria and microorganisms multiply in large numbers, especially in a windy and rainy climate, so the sanitary environment and epidemic prevention work of the chicken house should be strengthened. After the beginning of spring, the henhouse should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to reduce the threat of disease. At the same time, weak and disabled chickens should be picked out from the flock, cleaned and disinfected frequently, vaccinated in time, and diseases were found and prevented in time.

4. Strengthen feeding and comprehensive nutrition.

After the warm spring, if you continue to feed high-energy feed, it will lead to weight gain of chickens and affect the laying rate, so it is necessary to reduce feed corn and other cereal feed. In addition, laying hens will consume more protein when laying eggs, so it is necessary to increase the content of crude protein in the feed; at the same time, the demand for calcium is also increased, so it is necessary to increase the calcium in the feed. When the number of laying hens increases, the consumption of vitamins also increases, so it is necessary to supplement vitamins in time.

The above is the spring laying hen breeding points for attention, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.