
Home Flower-raising Complete_Variety Selection_Cultivation Tips and Taboos

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Home Flower-raising Complete_Variety Selection_Cultivation Tips and Taboos

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Home plant area: decorate your small home, return you a green home!

In today's family life, raising flowers is not a rare thing, because everyone is doing it. Perhaps it was because people loved plants and flowers, or perhaps it was because life was monotonous and they wanted to add some fun to themselves. Anyway, raising flowers at home seemed to be a very good thing for everyone, and everyone was very happy, but not all plants and flowers could be raised at home. So what are the better varieties of family flower cultivation, and what are the taboos of flower cultivation skills we have at home?

Variety Selection for Family Flowering

In fact, nature is so vast, suitable for our indoor cultivation of plants and flowers did not have eight hundred before, so basically most of the plants and flowers are suitable for cultivation at home. However, considering the relatively sealed environment indoors, some flowers with too strong fragrance when flowering, such as evening primrose, etc., or flowers that may have their own toxins, such as Guanyin, etc., are not suitable for indoor cultivation. If you like, some green plants and flowers are better, such as spider orchids and the like.

Family flower cultivation techniques

1. Light

Most plants and flowers need plenty of light to grow, but some flowers are suitable for growing in a semi-shady environment. When breeding flowers, the position of flowers should be arranged according to the actual needs of flowers. Flowers that need sufficient light should be placed in places with strong light, and vice versa.

2. Temperature

Specific flower specific operation, maintain indoor appropriate growth temperature on the line. However, it should be noted that although the light on the balcony at home is good, the temperature changes too much, so it is not very good to put it here.

3. Watering

Water is indispensable for flower growth, so watering flowers is something that everyone should pay attention to. Usually watering can be appropriate, only individual flowers do not like water or super water, this according to different flower needs can be watered.

4. Fertilization

And watering is the same reason, because the flower varieties are different, so some flowers good fertilizer, and some are thin application of light fertilizer can. This requires specific flower operations. However, when fertilizing, attention should be paid to the growth stage of flowers. During flowering, the amount of fertilizer required by flowers is usually large, so more fertilizer can be applied.

Taboos for family flower cultivation

1. Less trouble

Many people cultivate flowers out of love for flowers, so when they cultivate flowers at home, they are always very anxious, so they will go to see flowers every day, fiddle with them by hand, or water them, only hoping that flowers can grow up quickly. Or it is because everyone just wants to do things early to grow flowers, so often forget to water flowers and so on. This is all in the toss flowers, whether it is ignored or too much attention is not good for flowers, let flowers grow normally is a very important thing, less toss flowers.

2. Technical learning

After all, everyone can't be a master, so when we cultivate flowers, we may inevitably encounter such problems. Do not panic when encountering problems, and do not use methods indiscriminately. We need to learn other people's techniques and breeding methods. As the saying goes, we have to keep pace with the times. Now we are not masters, but we may still become masters in the future. The key lies in our learning of flower breeding techniques. Especially in this special environment at home, exquisite breeding skills are needed.

Summary: With the development of the city in the future, family flower cultivation should receive more attention from people. Today, we have learned how to carry out family flower cultivation, so we don't have to envy others in the future.

(Note: This article is an original article of Meilele Decoration Network. Reprinting is prohibited without permission. If malicious reprinting is found, it must be investigated by law.) If you like it, share it more.)

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We need to learn other people's technology and breeding methods, as the saying goes, we have to keep pace with the times, now we are not masters, but in the future we may still become masters, the key is that we have to learn the technology of breeding flowers. Especially in this special environment at home, exquisite breeding skills are needed.

Summary: With the development of the city in the future, family flower cultivation should be paid more attention to by people. Today, we have learned how to carry out family flower cultivation, so we don't have to envy others in the future.

(Note: This article is an original article of Meilele Decoration Network. Reprinting is prohibited without permission. If malicious reprinting is found, it must be investigated by law.) If you like it, share it more.)

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