
Notes on the cultivation of potted mint

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Notes on the cultivation of potted mint

Peppermint is known as "lazy grass", it can be said to be a very easy plant to raise, but no matter how simple it is, there must be some methods and precautions for us to learn about mint culture. Let's take a look at it.

Breeding instructions

Soil aspect

The cultivation of mint should choose the fertile sandy soil with loose soil and good drainage.

Temperature aspect

The best cultivation temperature should be kept at 20-30 ℃, and peppermint has strong cold resistance and can withstand the low temperature of-15 ℃.

Light aspect

Peppermint is naturally fond of sunlight, should ensure sufficient light, can effectively ensure the normal flowering of peppermint, and can promote the accumulation of peppermint oil and menthol.

Moisture aspect

The cultivation of peppermint needs more water, and it is usually necessary to keep the basin soil wet, especially in the early and middle stages of growth, and the water supply can be reduced appropriately during flowering.

Planting aspect

When selecting branches, the stout white rhizomes should be dug and planted, trimmed into roots about 8 meters long and buried in the basin soil, and new branches can be produced after about 20 days, and the young stems can also be cut off for shade cutting in May-June.