
Detailed explanation of daily maintenance methods of Acorus calamus

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Detailed explanation of daily maintenance methods of Acorus calamus

Acorus calamus is an aquatic flower with persistent roots, and its stem can reach more than 15cm. This paper introduces the breeding methods of Acorus calamus, so that more people can understand it.

Cultivation methods of Acorus calamus

Usually we see two kinds of calamus, one is planted in the water, the other is in the soil above the surface of the water. Under normal circumstances, the flower calamus in the soil is not as good as the calamus in the water, and the cultivation is usually carried out in the wetland.

Acorus calamus likes a humid environment, the growth of a large demand for water, the planting process to ensure adequate light, light time controlled in more than 6 hours; sufficient air humidity and soil moisture, timely fertilization.

Propagation and maintenance of Acorus calamus

The propagation of Acorus calamus can be divided into three ways: sowing, ramet and tissue culture.

Sowing is mainly carried out in the spring and autumn season. Ramet can be carried out in spring, autumn and after flowering, and tissue culture can be carried out at any time. Today, with the development of science and technology, shoulder lateral buds, leaves, stem tips, after disinfection, differentiation culture, so that a large number of plants can be cultivated.

Maintenance and management of Acorus calamus

Watering and fertilizing

Acorus calamus needs proper watering and fertilization, pot plant management should be more detailed, fertilization should not be too thick, so as not to burn roots. The management of planting plants in the land is relatively extensive, and fertilizer can be applied once in spring and after flowering.


After flowering, diseased leaves, residual roots and flower stems should be cut off in time. When transplanting in a different pot, cut off the leaves of the upper part of the plant and leave 20cm for transplanting. For some introduced varieties, soak the roots with rooting agent before planting.


After the calamus is planted, many weeds will grow around it, so it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed in time. Weeding when the soil is drier. Pull it out manually.