
Smooth sailing culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Plain sailing growth habits like high temperature and humidity, but also more resistant to shade. White crane taro leaves are larger, more sensitive to humidity, afraid of strong light exposure, summer shade 60-70%, but long-term lack of light, it is not easy to blossom. The soil should be rich and humus-rich loam. The optimum temperature for growth is 22-28 ℃.

Plain sailing growth habits

Like high temperature and high humidity, but also more resistant to shade. White crane taro leaves are larger, more sensitive to humidity, afraid of strong light exposure, summer shade 60-70%, but long-term lack of light, it is not easy to blossom. The soil should be rich and humus-rich loam. The optimum temperature for growth is 22-28 ℃, 24-30 ℃ from March to September, 18-21 ℃ from September to March of the following year, the winter temperature is not lower than 14 ℃, the temperature below 10 ℃ hinders the growth of plants, and the leaves are vulnerable to freezing injury. During the storage and transportation of potted white crane taro, the temperature is controlled at 13-16 ℃, the relative humidity is 80-90%, and it can withstand dark environment for 30 days.

Smooth sailing mode of reproduction


The best way of ramet propagation is from May to June. The whole plant is pulled out of the pot and the rhizome is cut from the base of the clump. There are at least 4 leaves in each clump. After planting, it is restored in a semi-shady place.

Sowing seeds

The seeds of Amorphophallus konjac can be obtained by artificial pollination after flowering. The seeds should be sowed immediately after seed collection. The germination temperature is 30 ℃ and germinates 10-15 days after sowing. If the temperature is too low during germination, the seeds are easy to rot. After disinfection, it was inoculated on the added medium, and calli and adventitious buds grew after 45 days. [4]

Tissue culture

Young inflorescences and lateral buds of taro were used as explants and inoculated on MS medium supplemented with 10 mg / L 6-benzylaminoadenine and 2 mg / 1 indole acetic acid after disinfection. Callus and adventitious buds grew after 40-45 days, then the adventitious buds were transferred to MS medium with 2 mg / 1 indole acetic acid, and rooting was induced in 30-40 days.

Plain sailing culture method

Plain sailing pot planting method

1. Potted soil: plain sailing (white palm) potted plants require loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, and do not use clayey soil. Generally, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite can be used as substrate, and a small amount of organic fertilizer can be added as base fertilizer when planting.

2. Lighting: suitable for overcast or scattered light conditions, 60%-70% shade in the growing season. It can be cultivated in a place with bright scattered light indoors all the year round.

3. Temperature: plain sailing likes high temperature and should be cultivated in high temperature greenhouse. The lowest temperature in winter should be 14-16 ℃ at night and about 25 ℃ in daytime.

4. Humidity: the most suitable relative humidity for white palm growth is 75%-85%. You should often use a fine-eye sprayer to spray water on the leaves and sprinkle water on the ground around the plant to keep the air moist, which is very beneficial to its growth and development.

Plain sailing watering method:

1. The best way of watering is spraying at the top, but the drainage of the seedbed is better.

2. In summer and dry season, we should often use a fine-eye sprayer to spray water on the leaf surface, and sprinkle water on the ground around the plant to keep the air moist, which is very beneficial to its growth and development.

3. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly wet.

4. Keep the basin soil moist during the growth period, but avoid watering too much.

Plain sailing fertilization:

Fertilizer should be applied thinly, do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and water once after applying solid fertilizer, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of clear water, so that it generally does not produce fertilizer damage, and the plant grows luxuriantly.

The method of smooth sailing and hydroponics

1. Lighting:

Plain sailing is more shady, so it can be cultivated indoors with bright scattered light all the year round (don't put it in direct sunlight).

2. Temperature:

The indoor temperature is kept at about 25 degrees during the day and 14 to 15 degrees at night.

3. Moisture:

Smooth sailing has a higher requirement for water, which should be kept close to the indoor temperature. Therefore, the tap water just received cannot be used. If you use it, it is best to let him precipitate for about 24 hours. Water cannot pass through the whole root system of a plant, and the water level is about 2/3 of its root length.

4. Change water:

Change water every 10 days in summer, and change water every 20 days in winter. Changing water too often will affect plant growth. Clean the plant roots when changing water, cut off in time if there are rotten roots (dip the scissors in alcohol when cutting), and finally clean the containers containing the plants.

5. Nutrition:

In order to prevent the leaves from yellowing, we can put some hydroponic plant nutrient solution in the water, so that we can raise a few small fish in the water (usually 2), and the fish feces can also provide the nutrients needed by the plants. Add 10 drops of nutrient solution 5 Murray for every 500 ml of water.

Matters needing attention in smooth sailing and breeding

1. If the climate is dry and the air humidity is low, the new leaves will become small and yellow, and when they are serious, they will wither and fall off.

2. If the white palm is in a state of low temperature for a long time, it is easy to cause the leaves to fall off or be scorched yellow.

3. If the light is too strong, the leaves are easy to burn and scorch, and the leaves are dim and lose their luster.

4. If the light is too dark for a long time, the plant growth is not strong and it is not easy to blossom.

5. Long-term low temperature and humidity can easily cause root rot and aboveground parts withered and yellow, so we should pay attention to cold prevention and heat preservation in winter and keep the basin soil moist at the same time.

6. If the rotten roots and plants are withered and yellow caused by long-term stagnant water in the basin, they should be removed from the basin, then blow-dried, and then put in again.

7. Insect pests: if harmful mites are harmful, the leaves show bad symptoms such as wilting, gloss desalination, yellow blight and so on, which can be controlled by spraying special mites, such as triclofenac, Nisolan, pyridaben and so on. Sometimes the harm of shell insects and red spiders occurs, which can be prevented by spraying 1500 times of 50% marathon EC.

Diseases: common bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthracnose damage leaves, can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times. In addition to root rot and stem rot, in addition to paying attention to ventilation and reducing humidity, control with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times.

Everything is going smooth。 Culture methods and matters needing attention of white palm morphological characteristics of white palm

Perennial herbs. Plant 30 cm-40 cm tall, stemless or short, with tubers or elongated rhizomes, sometimes thickened and woody. Leaves basal, long elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate at both ends, veins obvious, petiole long, dark green, base sheathlike, leaves entire or divided.

Spring and summer flowering, scape erect, tall above leaves, spawn erect upward, large and conspicuous, slightly curled, white or greenish, fleshy inflorescences Terete, milky yellow. Large species with dark leaves and small white flowers with slow growth. Flowering period from May to August

Growth habit of white palm

Like high temperature and high humidity, but also more resistant to shade. White crane taro leaves are larger, more sensitive to humidity, afraid of strong light exposure, summer shade 60-70%, but long-term lack of light, it is not easy to blossom. The soil should be rich and humus-rich loam. The optimum temperature for growth is 22-28 ℃, 24-30 ℃ from March to September, 18-21 ℃ from September to March of the following year, the winter temperature is not lower than 14 ℃, the temperature below 10 ℃ hinders the growth of plants, and the leaves are vulnerable to freezing injury. During the storage and transportation of potted white crane taro, the temperature is controlled at 13-16 ℃, the relative humidity is 80-90%, and it can withstand dark environment for 30 days.

White palm reproduction mode

Ramet propagation

The best way of ramet propagation is from May to June. The whole plant is pulled out of the pot and the rhizome is cut from the base of the clump. There are at least 4 leaves in each clump. After planting, it is restored in a semi-shady place.

Sowing and reproduction

The seeds of Amorphophallus konjac can be obtained by artificial pollination after flowering. The seeds should be sowed immediately after seed collection. The germination temperature is 30 ℃ and germinates 10-15 days after sowing. If the temperature is too low during germination, the seeds are easy to rot. After disinfection, it was inoculated on the added medium, and calli and adventitious buds grew after 45 days. [4]

Tissue culture propagation

Young inflorescences and lateral buds of taro were used as explants and inoculated on MS medium supplemented with 10 mg / L 6-benzylaminoadenine and 2 mg / 1 indole acetic acid after disinfection. Callus and adventitious buds grew after 40-45 days, then the adventitious buds were transferred to MS medium with 2 mg / 1 indole acetic acid, and rooting was induced in 30-40 days.

Culture method of white palm


White crane taro pot requires loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, can not use heavy soil, generally can be made of rotten leaf soil, peat soil mixed with a small amount of perlite as substrate, and add a small amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer.

Put on the basin:

Put the ramet plant back into the pot, put it in a semi-shady place after planting and wait for it to take root. Here, it should be noted that it should be cut with a stem, and then apply charcoal ash to the wound to prevent decay. When the root system returns to normal, it can enter the normal management.


Light is very important for plant growth. White crane taro needs better light in winter and early spring, but it should be shaded gradually when the light is getting stronger. If you enjoy it in the shade, you can't directly expose it to the sun. This is very bad for the growth of white crane taro.


White crane taro is a high-temperature species and should be cultivated in high-temperature greenhouse. The lowest temperature in winter should be 14-16 ℃ at night and about 25 ℃ in daytime.


White crane taro during the growth period should often keep the basin soil moist, but not too much watering, watering too much basin soil will be moist for a long time, easy to cause rotten roots and plants withered and yellow.


White crane taro fertilization do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and after the application of solid fertilizer water, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of clear water irrigation, so that generally will not produce fertilizer damage, and white crane taro will grow very luxuriantly.

Change the basin:

The white crane taro changes the pot every 1-2 years, combined with changing the basin, pruning the root system, removing part of the old root and overgrown root system, removing the old soil and replacing it with newly cultivated soil, so as to facilitate the flowering of the white crane taro.

Hydroponic culture method of white palm

1. Container:

White palm hydroponics is usually put at home, of course, you should choose a very good and beautiful container, how to choose depends on personal hobbies.

2. Temperature:

The best growth temperature of white palm is 20-28 ℃, so you should pay attention to control the room temperature when cultivating white palm in indoor water.

3. Lighting:

The light of white palm hydroponics is mainly scattered light, it is not necessary to be exposed to the sun, and direct sunlight should be avoided as far as possible in summer.

4. Change water:

The water of white palm can be changed once in 7 days in summer and 10-15 days in winter, and a few drops of special nutrient solution for flowers can be added.

5. Fertilization:

White palm hydroponics daily nursing should use clear water spraying foliar moisturizing, preferably spraying foliar fertilizer once a week.

Matters needing attention in water culture of white palm


White palm needs better light in winter and early spring, do not shade, and gradually shade when the light is getting stronger, if you enjoy it in the shade, do not directly expose it to the sun, otherwise it will cause discomfort due to rapid changes in the environment, such as wilting, yellow leaves, and even death.


White palm needs higher growth humidity, and if the air is too dry, it can cause leaf wilting, which can be solved by strengthening water spraying or spraying water on the environmental ground, or covered with transparent plastic bags. but when the light is good, it should be slightly ventilated or open a mouthful of ventilation on the plastic bag, otherwise the temperature in the bag will rise sharply.


In order to prevent the occurrence of leaf dryness, white palm should spray foliar moisturizing with clear water during daily nursing, preferably spraying foliar fertilizer once a week, which can not only provide nutrition for leaves, increase foliar luster, but also achieve the purpose of resisting low temperature in winter. Using foliage plant nutrient solution, the leaves need to be sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution for 2 to 3 times at budding stage, which can promote its flowering.

Insect pest

If white palm is harmful to mites, the leaves show bad symptoms such as wilting, gloss desalination, yellow blight and so on, which can be controlled by spraying special mites, such as triclofenac, Nisolan, pyridaben and so on. Common bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthracnose damage leaves can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times.

The main value of White Palm

Ornamental value

White crane taro can be potted, can also be planted in flower beds, shady places in the garden, stone groups and the edge of the pool, to play a role in greening. White crane taro flower stem tall and straight beautiful, potted embellishment living room, study, very comfortable and chic, appears elegant and handsome. In the south, the configuration of small gardens, poolside, corner, unique. In addition, the flowers of white taro are also excellent decorative materials for flower baskets and flower arrangement.

Purify the air

White Crane Taro can filter indoor exhaust gas and is effective against ammonia, acetone, benzene and formaldehyde. White crane taro cultivated with water root can adjust indoor temperature and humidity through evapotranspiration, and can effectively purify volatile organic compounds in the air, such as alcohol, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene, toluene, chlorine monoxide, ozone and so on. In particular, the purification rate of ozone is particularly high, placed next to the gas in the kitchen, which can purify the air and remove the taste, lampblack and volatile substances when cooking.

Smooth farming methods and matters needing attention

Now more and more people raise plain sailing, most people like its name, like their own life is plain sailing. Plain sailing this plant is also called white taro, it is evergreen all the year round, beautiful flowers, high ornamental value, so plain sailing should be how to raise it? In a moment, I will write out the smooth farming methods, and at the same time, I will also write down the smooth sailing notes to share with you.

Smooth farming methods and matters needing attention

1. Smooth lighting

Plain sailing this plant is a strong negative-tolerant plant, it is suitable to grow in a semi-shady environment, can not let direct sunlight, if it is placed in strong light, its leaves will turn yellow, or fall off. So it can be cultured indoors with bright astigmatism at ordinary times.

2. The temperature of culture is smooth.

Plain sailing is a kind of plant that likes high temperature. it is especially afraid of the cold. it grows fastest when the external temperature is between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. After entering winter every year, it is necessary to move plain sailing indoors in time. When the temperature is below 10 degrees, it will appear the bad symptoms of root decay or leaf shedding, and when it is serious, it will die.

3. Smooth sailing and the need for moisture

Plain sailing this plant has a relatively high demand for water, usually must keep its basin soil moist, but can not appear stagnant water, should abide by the principle of no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly, if there is stagnant water in the flowerpot, it will make plain sailing rotten roots and withered yellow. In addition, usually in summer or dry season, we should spray water to the smooth sailing leaves in time to maintain the temperature of the air, so that it can grow vigorously.