
Planting methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus

The bowl lotus belongs to the lotus family, and it is very amazing when it blossoms. Today, I would like to introduce the planting method and matters needing attention of the bowl lotus. Friends who want to breed can be used as a reference.

Introduction to Wanlian:

Bowl lotus, also known as potted lotus, pot lotus, table lotus. It belongs to the family Nymphaeaceae. Nelumbo nucifera perennial aquatic herb flowers. The underground stem is long and thick, with long nodes and round leaves. Florescence from June to September, solitary born at the top of the pedicel, petals most, embedded in Huatuo hole, there are red, pink, white, purple, green and other colors, or color patterns, edge. Nuts oval, seeds ovate. Lotus seeds grow inverted ovules.

Planting methods and points for attention of bowl lotus:

The first step is to break the shell of the seed.

The pericarp of lotus seed has a strong and thick special structure. After the seed fully matures and shrinks, the water and air are not easy to penetrate, the respiration is very slow, and it is forced to dormancy. So lotus seeds can be buried in the soil for hundreds or even thousands of years without germination or decay, which is the reason for the longevity of lotus seeds. In order to make the lotus seeds absorb water and oxygen after sowing, break the forced dormancy and enter into germination and growth, the seeds must be treated with shell breaking before germination.

Lotus is an anatropous ovule, and the germ is born at the top of the seed. When breaking the shell, the base end of the seed should be broken, that is, the end where the seed is placed on the receptacle, that is, the sunken end of the lotus seed. It can be broken with scissors or pliers. Generally speaking, before sowing, as long as the pericarp (that is, the hard shell of the lotus seed) is worn, the brown seed coat is seen; when the shell is clamped, there is only a 2mm crack at the base, do not clip it too deep, so as to avoid damaging the embryo. After one day of seed soaking, when the embryo expands and the pericarp becomes soft, the peel can be peeled off by hand along the broken shell to expose the embryo to facilitate the elongation of the germ. It must be noted that the broken shell should not be too large. If the hard shell of the lotus seed is removed, the germ will lose its protection and rot easily.

The second step is to soak the seeds to accelerate germination.

Soak the broken seeds in warm water of about 50 degrees. The water of soaking seeds should be clean, free of grease and dirt, and do not use water higher than 50 degrees, otherwise it will affect germination. The water temperature drops naturally and is kept at about 30 degrees at last, not higher than 40 degrees or less than 20 degrees. If the water temperature is higher than 40 degrees, the seeds germinate rapidly on the first day, but the growth is inhibited later. when the water temperature is lower than 20 degrees, the seeds germinate and grow too slowly. When soaking a small amount of seeds in the family, it can be put into a thermos to keep warm. Under the condition of temperature of 30 degrees, generally soaking seeds to accelerate germination for 3 days, the germ protrudes from the break.

During this period, the water needs to be changed one or three times a day, and the seeds that cannot germinate should be removed in time. Under normal circumstances, seeds that have not germinated for seven days will no longer germinate. Seeds that do not have the ability to germinate tend to float on the water, the germ is yellow, and the cotyledons are moldy and smelly. (you can also soak the seeds directly with tap water. There is no need to use warm water or heating. The seeds can germinate in about two days. )

The third step is to start hydroponic cultivation of seeds.

After emergence, the seeds should be cultured in water for 5-7 days under the condition of about 25 ℃. During the period of hydroponic cultivation, the root absorption of lotus seedlings is weak, and their growth mainly depends on seed embryos to provide nutrients, and generally does not need fertilization. In the process of hydroponic cultivation, the depth of the water layer should be kept at about 10 meters, and sufficient light should be given; the water should not be changed or turned frequently to avoid excessive elongation of the leaves due to the frequent change of their growth direction; the petiole should be kept in the water and the leaves spread freely on the surface of the water. When the first leaf is released and the second leaf is about to release and grow white roots, it can be planted.

The fourth step, planting, when the buds grow to 10CM or so, you can transplant.

According to the needs of bowl lotus planting, choose the soil into the flower bowl, put in the water, and mix the soil and fertilizer evenly. After the muddy water is clarified, the water-cultured seedlings are planted in the center of the flower bowl, with all the seeds in the mud, so that the leaves can stretch freely on the surface of the water. When transplanting, it should be noted that the petiole should not be broken so as not to affect the growth. Keep 3-5 cm water layer after planting, but never submerge the leaves in the water. The bowl of lotus likes the light, and the flower bowl should be placed in a place with plenty of sunshine. The seedlings are delicate and some will scorch when the sun burns, but they will generally sprout and survive. Don't water too much to raise the temperature of the water and promote growth. Standing leaves can appear after 7-13 floating leaves are grown. Generally speaking, multi-flowered varieties can appear buds after growing 5-17 standing leaves. The bud appears sooner or later, depending on the variety, and some varieties bloom before the standing leaves grow.

The reason why bowl lotus does not blossom

Plenty of sunshine, it is a light-loving plant. The flowering season ranges from June to September, sometimes in the middle of summer, but I have also seen bowl lotus blooming in early autumn. The temperature varies from region to region. One key point is that the bowl lotus must be exposed to enough sunlight for more than five hours a day, otherwise it will be difficult to blossom if it is left in the house with little light.

Enough temperature, if the temperature has been below 15 degrees, it will be difficult to blossom, to ensure that above 20 degrees in order to normal growth, flowering. You should have seen that the lotus flowers in the pool, or the lotus flowers in the lake, blossom and form lotus blossoms when the sun is relatively hot. But if you haven't had a bowl of lotus in the sun for a long time, don't expose it to the sun at once. It's easy to sunburn the leaves.

Fertile, ordinary vegetable garden soil can also be used, as well as rotten leaf soil and pond mud, these three can be used, if you can't find pond mud, you can also use it. You can also add a little bit of river sand (see that many friends only use sand and stones, which is not nutritious enough), but it is better to ensure that the more clayey soil will eventually turn into mud. Water, for the newly sprouted bowl of lotus, less water, and then gradually grow up, the amount of water gradually increased. Fertilizer should be thin and diligent. If you apply too much fertilizer at once, it is easy to grow, and the leaves will not blossom.

Sufficient space, metaphorical container is too small, although the bowl lotus can be grown in a bowl with a larger diameter, but with nutrient solution nutrition can also keep up. This is suitable for bowl lotus with small leaves, but for bowl lotus with large leaves, it is best to plant it in pots with a diameter above 25cm and a depth above 20cm. In this way, its underground stem can be extended smoothly. Grow freely. If the leaves grow too much, you can take off some of them to help it bloom.

It is slower to blossom with seeds and faster with lotus root. This is a summary of the experience of many kinds of friends. However, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, using seeds requires patience, although the process is long, but you can observe more subtle changes and enjoy the planting process. If you plant lotus root with lotus root, it's faster, but it's a lot less fun. Personally, I still think it's more fun and fun to plant seeds.

The reason for the variety. The seeds you may buy or use are fake, not genuine lotus bowls, or the products are not right, and the varieties are not good enough, so no matter how hard you try, you can't blossom. So pay attention to your choice when you buy it.

The above is the introduction of the planting methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus. I hope you can enjoy today's article.

Otherwise, it will be very difficult to blossom if there is little light in the house.

Enough temperature, if the temperature has been below 15 degrees, it will be difficult to blossom, to ensure that above 20 degrees in order to normal growth, flowering. You should have seen that the lotus flowers in the pool, or the lotus flowers in the lake, blossom and form lotus blossoms when the sun is relatively hot. But if you haven't had a bowl of lotus in the sun for a long time, don't expose it to the sun at once. It's easy to sunburn the leaves.

Fertile, ordinary vegetable garden soil can also be used, as well as rotten leaf soil and pond mud, these three can be used, if you can't find pond mud, you can also use it. You can also add a little bit of river sand (see that many friends only use sand and stones, which is not nutritious enough), but it is better to ensure that the more clayey soil will eventually turn into mud. Water, for the newly sprouted bowl of lotus, less water, and then gradually grow up, the amount of water gradually increased. Fertilizer should be thin and diligent. If you apply too much fertilizer at once, it is easy to grow, and the leaves will not blossom.

Sufficient space, metaphorical container is too small, although the bowl lotus can be grown in a bowl with a larger diameter, but with nutrient solution nutrition can also keep up. This is suitable for bowl lotus with small leaves, but for bowl lotus with large leaves, it is best to plant it in pots with a diameter above 25cm and a depth above 20cm. In this way, its underground stem can be extended smoothly. Grow freely. If the leaves grow too much, you can take off some of them to help it bloom.

It is slower to blossom with seeds and faster with lotus root. This is a summary of the experience of many kinds of friends. However, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, using seeds requires patience, although the process is long, but you can observe more subtle changes and enjoy the planting process. If you plant lotus root with lotus root, it's faster, but it's a lot less fun. Personally, I still think it's more fun and fun to plant seeds.

The reason for the variety. The seeds you may buy or use are fake, not genuine lotus bowls, or the products are not right, and the varieties are not good enough, so no matter how hard you try, you can't blossom. So pay attention to your choice when you buy it.

The above is the introduction of the planting methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus. I hope you can enjoy today's article.