
What season is the fragrance of cassia when it blossoms?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What season is the fragrance of cassia when it blossoms?

Cinnamon is another nickname for sweet-scented osmanthus. What season is the fragrance of osmanthus? Next, let's take a look at it.

Cinnamon fragrance: originally refers to the cinnamon tree blossoms, the fragrance floats ten miles away. Now it is well known to describe something as famous.

Sweet-scented osmanthus usually blooms in August and September, so the fragrance of cinnamon is autumn.

The flowering time of sweet-scented osmanthus varies with different products, and most varieties bloom from September to October in autumn, such as: big flower cinnamon, big leaf yellow, Huangchuan golden cinnamon, late golden osmanthus, round leaf golden cinnamon, seed silver cinnamon, Jiulong cinnamon, early silver cinnamon, evening silver cinnamon, Baijie, big flower cinnamon, tooth cinnamon, cinnamon, broad leaf red and so on. There are also four seasons of cinnamon, which are opened every 2-3 months. Such as: laurel, Japanese cinnamon, big leaf Buddha top bead, tooth leaf four seasons cinnamon and other varieties.

Functional utility of cinnamon:

Cinnamon is a kind of natural medicine. It has the functions of invigorating stomach, resolving phlegm, promoting fluid, dispersing phlegm and calming the liver. It can treat cough due to phlegm, intestinal wind and blood dysentery, toothache and halitosis, loss of appetite and abdominal pain due to menstruation. Dan Guilu, distilled from cinnamon, has the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi, awakening the spleen and appetizing, and can treat diseases such as halitosis and dry pharynx. It is a first-class drink. Cassia twig, cinnamon seed and cinnamon root can be used as medicine. Guizhi decoction, which is made up of cassia twig, peony, ginger, jujube and licorice, specializes in treating exogenous wind pathogen, kidney deficiency and other diseases. Cinnamon root can treat muscle and bone pain, rheumatism numbness and other diseases.

Cinnamon is very promising in food and health care: as an additive, cinnamon has been widely used in pastry, candy, candied fruit, tea, wine and other food; cinnamon fragrance is fresh, which is of great benefit to the improvement of ecological environment. Today, cinnamon has become a raw material for extracting spices, making soap, perfume and cosmetics, and there is a growing demand for it in the international market.

The practice of Dangui Tea for detoxification and Beauty

Practice one

Raw materials: 12 grams of cinnamon, 6 grams of dried ginger, 4 grams of raw licorice.

Production: bake cinnamon, dried ginger and raw licorice for the end, mix well, add a little salt and make tea to drink.

It helps you lose weight.

Practice two

[materials] appropriate amount of dried cinnamon, a packet of green tea and honey.


1. Put the cinnamon and green tea in a cup and brew it with hot water.

two。 Wait about three minutes, let the cinnamon taste, and then add honey.


1. This tea can be used for hot drinks and ice drinks; hot drinks can strengthen the intestines and stomach, while ice drinks can cool and relieve summer heat.

two。 In addition to having the effect of detoxification, it can also remove bad breath.

3. In addition, if you use more cinnamon (about 10g), plus a little stevia, it is a good cup of fat-free weight-loss tea!

The above is the introduction of what season cinnamon fragrance is. I hope you can enjoy today's article.