
How to plant potted chrysanthemum chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to plant potted chrysanthemum chrysanthemum

The vitality of chrysanthemum is so strong that it can often be seen by the side of the mountain. However, this may not mean that potted chrysanthemums can also be extensively managed. Therefore, this paper intends to introduce the planting and cultivation method of chrysanthemum, and briefly introduce how to plant potted chrysanthemum, which can be used as a reference for those who love chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemum is a perennial perennial root sub-shrub. Because of its wide variety, the leaf shape, flower pattern and flower color change greatly. In order to make the cultivated chrysanthemum large in shape, beautiful in color, green in leaf color, moderate in height and symmetrical in posture, it is also necessary to master the skills of planting and breeding.

1. Preparation of basin soil

The soil of potted chrysanthemum requires loose soil and rich humus. Chrysanthemums should not be planted in situ year after year or use the old potted soil where chrysanthemums have been planted, because continuous cropping will lead to the deterioration of soil physical and chemical properties, which is disadvantageous to the growth of chrysanthemums. Therefore, new soil should be prepared every year.

2. the female parent keeps the seed.

In the middle of November, the sunny and leeward place was selected for deep planting (more than 3 meters deeper than the original soil ball), then irrigated with fixed root water, applied liquid fertilizer and covered with sugar ash 3-4 days after planting, and cut off the aboveground flower branches and old stem. If it is dry in winter, you should pay attention to watering it in time. In March next year, you can remove the sugar ash, carry out intermediate ploughing and weeding, and apply fertilizer 2-3 times to promote germination. At the beginning of April, the head is removed, usually leaving 3 plants per clump.

3. Reproduction

The propagation methods of chrysanthemum include chrysanthemum cutting, ramet, grafting, sowing and so on. Chrysanthemum planting can be started after Qingming Festival in early April, and can be continued in stages and in batches until early July. Generally, dwarf varieties are planted early and high varieties are planted late. Cuttings should choose young shoots germinated from strong female parents, cut them at the top about 3 cm long, remove the lower leaves, and flatten the base with a sharp knife. The row spacing of the plant is 3 meters × 4 meters, first insert a small hole with a bamboo stick, then insert the cuttings into the soil for about 1 meter, and then press them with your fingers. Spray water immediately after insertion and do a good job of sunshade facilities. Before taking root, you should spray water frequently. After taking root, watering can be reduced appropriately. After planting, it can take root in about 3-4 weeks, and then it can be planted in pot after rooting.

4. Upper basin

The colonization should be carried out on sunny or cloudy days. The heart is removed once when the seedling is transplanted. Cover the bottom of the basin with coarse-grained soil, and then fill it with cultural soil. After planting, weeds are removed frequently to keep the basin soil loose.

5. Water and fertilizer management

When the chrysanthemum is just on the pot, it should be watered less. After survival, the amount of water should be decided according to the degree of dryness and wetness of the soil and the weather conditions. Fertilization should pay attention to the right amount, generally apply thin human fecal fertilizer once every half a month, high temperature or too dry should not be applied. In early September, the chrysanthemum changed its pots once when it was pregnant with buds, in order to restrain the overgrowth and promote the development of buds. When changing the basin, remove part of the soil, add some fertilizer soil, and then gradually increase the concentration of fertilizer, apply thick fertilizer once every 3-5 days, to promote the rapid expansion of flower buds. But the green chrysanthemum bud period should not be topdressing, but also to avoid the use of phosphate fertilizer. Different varieties need different amounts of fertilizer. For example, the amount of fertilizer required by rosettes and dancing lotus is relatively large, while that of single flat petal varieties is less. When applying fertilizer, do not contaminate the chrysanthemum leaves to prevent the leaves from scorching and withering.

6. Pick the heart, wipe the bud and remove the bud

The main purpose of coring is to achieve the predetermined number of flowering heads, but also to prevent the plant from growing too high. General specimen chrysanthemum heart picking 3-4 times, big chrysanthemum heart picking 5-6 times, cliff chrysanthemum to constantly pick the heart. The higher plants have more times of coring, while the ones with slow growth can be reduced. Pick the heart at the right time, generally pick the top 3 young leaves when 5 leaves, the stem is too late to Lignification, coring bifurcations are easy to break and lodge. Stop picking the heart after the beginning of autumn, and new buds will continue to sprout in the axils of the new branches. these new buds and shoots should be erased at any time. Under normal circumstances, buds appear one after another from late September to early October, and bud thinning and bud protection can be carried out according to the cultivation requirements.

Chrysanthemum, in fact, is quite easy to survive, but to make the chrysanthemum grow well and have a long flowering period, it takes a little effort and effort. In fact, the same is true of every kind of plant.