
What are the effects and effects of perilla leaves?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the effects and effects of perilla leaves?

Many people like to recuperate their bodies with dietotherapy when they are not feeling well. Today, I would like to introduce a plant with high medicinal value-perilla. What are the effects and effects of perilla leaves? Let's take a look at it together.

The specific efficacy of perilla leaves to drink water is as follows:

1. Treat cold and cold. Perilla leaves are not big, but the color is slightly purple, the shape also looks very common, but the nutritional effect is really very good. Experts have found that perilla leaves contain a lot of fat, protein, sugar, dietary fiber, vitamins, carrots and trace elements. In addition, perilla leaves also contain volatile oil and perilla aldehyde and other substances, so that the leaves emit a special fragrance.

If the body suffers from a cold, and the specific physical symptoms are fear of cold, cough, shortness of breath and abdominal distension, you can take perilla leaf bubble water. In general, when we take perilla leaves, we choose tender leaves, which can not only be eaten raw, but also make tea or make soup and porridge. When choosing perilla leaves, it is best to choose young leaves that are relatively flat and have not been bitten by insects and a large number of stalks. If perilla leaves are pickled and taken, it is best to choose older leaves.

2. Antibacterial activity. Through experiments, experts found that putting perilla leaf reagent into the test tube can effectively inhibit the growth of staphylococci in the test tube. Therefore, perilla leaves have a certain antibacterial effect, after taking can improve the body's immunity.

3. Treatment of hypotension. Perilla oil extracted from perilla leaves has been tested in animals and found that animals can cause blood sugar after taking it. The main ingredient in perilla leaves is perillaldehyde, which can effectively increase blood sugar levels in the body. So, if your physique belongs to low blood pressure constitution, then you can drink perilla leaf bubble water every day, which is good for your health.

Medicinal value

Liqi, and camp. Treat cold, cold, fever, cough, asthma, fullness of chest and abdomen, restless fetal movement. And can detoxify fish and crab. For cold, fever, cold, headache and stuffy nose, cough or chest discomfort. Often equipped with Wu almond, Qianhu, such as Xingsu San; if both qi stagnation and chest tightness, more compatible with Xiangfu, tangerine peel and so on, such as Su San.

Syndrome of spleen and stomach qi stagnation, chest tightness and vomiting. This product has the effect of promoting qi width, harmonizing stomach and relieving vomiting. For those who are cold, they are used with patchouli; for those who are too hot, they can be used with yellow. Partial qi stagnation phlegm knot, often used with Pinellia ternata and Magnolia officinalis.

For pregnancy vomiting, chest and abdomen is full of tightness, often compatible with tangerine peel, Amomum villosum, in order to strengthen its antiemetic, placebo effect.

Used for abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea caused by eating fish and crabs, used alone or with ginger, Angelica dahurica decoction.

The Edible method of Perilla leaves-Perilla Tomato

Materials: 600g tomato, perilla plum juice 100cc, 1 tablespoon plum powder, 3 tablespoons sugar.

Practice: first wash the tomatoes, cut them into bite-sized blocks, and put them on a plate and set aside. Mix perilla plum juice, plum powder and white granulated sugar into a bowl and stir well. Pour the mixed perilla juice evenly over the tomatoes, refrigerate them in the refrigerator and eat them after about 15 minutes.

The above is the introduction of the efficacy and function of perilla leaves. I hope you can enjoy today's article.