
How to plant potted lotus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to plant potted lotus

Lotus, also known as lotus, water hibiscus, water palace fairy, etc., is a perennial aquatic herb of lotus genus, which is divided into two categories: ornamental and edible. The product that comes out of silt but does not dye is always praised by the world. It has always been one of the themes sung and painted by poets and Mohist through the ages. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of potted lotus.

Propagation techniques of potted lotus

1. Seed propagation: the concave end of the seed should be worn out on the rough ground from May to June every year, and then soaked and raised, the water should be changed frequently, the water should be kept clean, it will sprout in a week or so, and it will take root and transplant after two weeks of budding, one plant in each pot, the water layer should be shallow, and the lotus leaves should not be submerged in water.

2. Split lotus root propagation: the best time to turn potted lotus root is from mid-March to mid-April. Before planting, the basin mud should be mixed into a paste. When planting, the top of the lotus root is inserted at an oblique angle of 20 degrees along the edge of the basin, and the bowl of lotus is about 5 meters deep. The large lotus is about 10 meters deep, the head is low and the tail is high, and the tail is half warped up to keep the end of the lotus root from entering water. After planting, put the pot in the sun to make the surface soil crack, so that the lotus root is completely bonded with the soil, then add a small amount of water, wait for the bud to grow, gradually deepen the water level, and finally maintain 3-5 cm water layer.

Planting methods of potted lotus

1. Variety selection: potted lotus should choose ornamental strains suitable for potted plants, such as Buddha seat, Chongtai, Bijiangxue, Dabilian, Yizhang Qing, Jiaolong San Variety, Shouxing Peach, West Lake and so on.

2, flowerpot selection: potted lotus usually uses shallow lotus pots, bucket pots, or shallow pots with a diameter of more than 60 cm. Use the old basin and wash it clean inside and out. If you use a family water tank, because the height is on the high side, you can spread masonry at the bottom of the tank to make it shallow, the cylinder is too deep, and there are more frequent leaves and less flowers.

3. Cultivation soil: the cultivation soil of potted lotus usually uses pond mud or paddy field mud rich in humus. First, the mud is mashed and screened. If there are impurities, gravel, etc., it needs to be picked out to make the mud muddy. Put it in a human basin with a thickness of 10-15 cm. At the same time, any kind of sun-dried chicken and duck dung, dried human manure, bean cake, vegetables, chicken feathers, hair, grass and so on can be used as base fertilizer.

4. planting time: potted lotus can be planted before and after Ching Ming Festival, that is, it is best to plant in late March, it is easy to rot the lotus root node prematurely, and the plant blossoms poorly, even if it blossoms, the flowers will be under the leaves, affecting the ornamental value.

Culture and management of potted lotus

1. Soil quality management: Lotus requires fertile clay loam rich in humus, which affects the elongation of lotus root and the expansion of lotus root. Easy soil is vulnerable to wind damage and hinders the development of root system, which is not conducive to the growth of lotus. The soil is usually lake and pond mud, and it can also be mixed with 4 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of loess and 3 parts of sandy soil. PH6.5-7.5 is the best soil.

2, light management: the lotus likes strong light and receives 7-8 hours of light every day, which can make its buds more, flowers bloom continuously, do not cultivate in the shade, and indoor viewing can not exceed the same day when seeing flowers. The lotus in the family pot must be placed on the balcony or in the courtyard and move to a shady place at noon to avoid the scorching sun.

3. Temperature control: Lotus is very strict on temperature, generally 8-10 ℃ begins to sprout, 14 ℃ lotus root begins to elongate, 25-30 ℃ is the most suitable temperature for lotus growth and development, especially in rainy and sunny weather is more conducive to plant growth.

4. Rational fertilization: potted lotus plants usually apply 200-500 grams of chicken manure as base fertilizer according to the size of potted seven. A month after planting, you can put rotten bean cake water or liquid fertilizer based on human feces and urine once, with a concentration of 10%. After standing leaves, topdressing 1-2 times, and applying superphosphoric acid every 7 days.

5, water management: the temperature is high in summer, lotus is easy to lose water, add water 1-2 times a day, keep the water clean, if you find water dirty, change water. Late autumn and early winter, lotus into the dormancy period, do not often add water, only to keep shallow water.

6. pest control: the common lotus pests are aphids on floating leaves or small standing leaves and Spodoptera litura occurred from July to August, which can be sprayed with 1500-2000 times of 50% dimethoate emulsion or 2.5% of fish rattan essence.