
How to breed tuberose flower

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, How to breed tuberose flower

After the evening fragrant jade blossoms everywhere, the flowers are also very beautiful, what problems should be paid attention to in breeding evening fragrant jade? Next, I will give you a detailed introduction.

Evening fragrant jade belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae and belongs to perennial bulb flowers. The late fragrant jade has strong stress resistance, which requires that the soil conditions are cold-resistant, saline-alkali-resistant, sunny and afraid of waterlogging, and fertile, deep slightly alkaline clayey soil.

After the seedling is unearthed, it is necessary to loosen the soil often, give sufficient water and fertilizer, and topdressing for 2-3 times, especially when the scape is about to be extracted, the fertilizer and water rich in phosphorus and potassium should be applied once. Water frequently from summer to mid-autumn to keep the soil moist without stagnant water. After flowering, the pedicel was cut off from the stem node and topdressing for 1-2 times, so as to strengthen the fertilizer and water management and promote the growth and fullness of the corm. It can be planted by changing soil and applying basic fertilizer in the second spring, and the bulbs protected and cultivated in winter blossom early and more in the second year. After entering the florescence in June, after the first batch of flowers, flowers and plants were produced again from August to September, and the flowering ability was greatly improved.

The way to enhance the fragrance of evening jade: during the flowering period, the room temperature should be kept at 15 ℃-25 ℃, shade the flowering plants after dark, and take some measures to prevent excessive ventilation after flowering that night.

Evening fragrant jade is an important bulb flower in courtyard flower bed and flower border. it is also suitable for planting in pieces, planting among lawns or flowers and shrubs, and embellishment beside roadsides. Leaves and flowers are elegant and generous; at night, white and beautiful flowers are fragrant, which is an indispensable material in the layout of the night garden. Late fragrant jade is an important cut flower, the vase blossom period can last about 10 days; cut flower decoration is often matched with gladiolus, the production of bouquets, baskets, bottle flowers are full of color and fragrance, dwarf varieties are suitable for potted ornamental.

Mode of reproduction

The underground stems were dug out after the aboveground parts withered in late November, and the shrunken old balls were removed. Generally, each clump could be divided into 5 mature balls and 10 mature balls, which were dried and stored in the dry place in the room. Divide the ball in spring and plant the big and small balls separately. Usually the balls can blossom after a year of cultivation. The diameter of the big ball for the production of cut flowers should be more than 2.5 meters. The small ball can grow into a big flowering ball after being cultivated for 1 Mel-2 years.

Fancy language

The flower language of the evening fragrant jade is a dangerous pleasure, because the evening fragrance gives off a strong fragrance, so it is called the evening fragrance. Because its fragrance is too strong, it will make people feel difficult to breathe, so generally evening fragrant jade is not put indoors, so its flower language is: dangerous happiness.


It is said that in ancient times there was a beautiful young man surnamed Zhang. His flute sound was very beautiful and he was famous far and near. One beautiful summer night, the boy leaned against the tree and was playing the flute happily. Suddenly a purple cloud flew near him. A beautiful fairy came down from the clouds. The fairy said she was the emissary of the Moon Palace. Chang'e heard the sound of his flute. She specially ordered her to come down and ask for music, and the piper gladly gave it to her.

Chang'e got the music, and the musicians in the Palace of Life Moon played it. In order to express her gratitude, she ordered the fairy to come down to earth and invite the boy to the Palace of the Moon. The fairy did not promise him, but only pulled out the hairpin on her head and gave it to him as a souvenir. when throwing it to him, the teenager did not catch it, and the hairpin fell to the ground, but she could not find it. As a result, the hairpin becomes a flower, while the teenager still stays in the world, and this flower not only spreads its fragrance at night, especially in the bright moonlight, the fragrance is the most intense, especially in the evening fragrance.

The above is the introduction of Evening Xiangyu breeding, I hope it will be helpful to you.