
What if the leaves of sorrel turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What if the leaves of sorrel turn yellow?

Oxalis is a recommended plant. Yellowing of leaves often occurs in the process of aquaculture, how to solve this situation?

Oxalis is a perennial herb, all sparsely pilose; the stem creeping or obliquely ascending, much branched. Leaves alternate, palmately compound with 3 leaflets, obcordate, leaflets sessile. Yellow flowers, like to the sun, warm, humid environment, hot summer areas should be shaded, drought resistance is strong, not cold-resistant, the general garden soil can grow, but with humus-rich sandy loam growth exuberant, summer has a short-term dormancy. The whole herb is used in medicine, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and dispersing diseases.

The reason why the leaves of sorrel turned yellow

Lack of water

Sorrel likes a warm and humid environment, especially during the growing period, which requires a lot of water, usually watering once a day. If watering too little, the rhizome of the plant can not store nutrients, and the leaves are short of water. If the leaves are exposed to the sun, the water of the leaves evaporates, the plant is weak, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and wilt downward until the whole plant dies.

Exposure or lack of light

If the sorrel is suddenly moved to the sun in the semi-shade, it will cause the leaves to burn and yellowing, and the whole plant will wilt gradually. Another situation is that the plant is kept indoors for a long time without light, and the leaves of the plant will turn yellow.

The leaves of sorrel turn yellow.

Leaf spot disease

Leaf spot mainly harms the leaves, and brown leaves appear on the leaves, which dry up the leaves of the plant.

Prevention and treatment of yellowing of sorrel leaves

Rehydration by immersion method

Usually, the lack of water in the plant is not due to the lack of watering, but because the watering method is wrong, and the soaking pot method should be used. Find a small basin, fill it with 3-4 centimeters of water, and put the sorrel basin in it. Through the vent at the bottom of the flowerpot, the leaf and stem will recover a little in about half a day.

Proper illumination

Sorrel is strict with sunlight, and a little more or less will cause problems. Put the plant on a well-ventilated balcony, receive light every day, and properly change the angle of the basin to ensure uniform sunlight. When the sun is strong, plastic bags can be put on the coat of the flowerpot to weaken the sun.

Requirements for the growth environment of sorrel

Drug prevention and treatment

When watering and replenishing light are not improved, copper noble suspension or carbendazim solution can be sprayed, once every 2-3 days, 3-5 times will be improved.

Dormancy of sorrel balls:

The sorrel varieties of autumn plants generally dormant from April to July, during which most of the yellow leaves can be watered off, and after the ground has completely withered, the pilling can be played in another 1-2 weeks. if you don't think about the ball, put the basin in the shade and keep the soil dry. Don't water it, water it after September, so the ball will wake up.

7 the preservation method of sorrel balls:

After the sorrel balls are dug up, they need to be kept in a cool and ventilated place, let them rest and recuperate for a while, and then wake up.

The ball does not need to be kept in cold storage, because the low temperature will only break the natural dormancy of the ball, making them think that autumn is coming, but wake up earlier, and the awakened ball does not adapt to the hot weather outside at all.

There are several kinds of containers for holding the ball:

A sealed plastic bag

Advantages: transparent material, easy to observe, can be labeled on the bag, easy to distinguish varieties.

Disadvantages: airtight, but you can cut off the lower two corners for ventilation, but if it is filled with small balls, you can use needles to pierce a few small holes in the bag to help the bulbs breathe.

B gauze bag

Advantages: beautiful, breathable

Disadvantages: difficult to label, if the bud head after awakening is too long, it will drill into the mesh, and it is easy to break the bud head when taken out.

C seed bottle

Advantages: more intuitive, easy to observe and label

Disadvantages: general air permeability, can only store small sorrel balls.

D handmade paper box

Advantages: beautiful, breathable, easy to label, easy to observe

Disadvantages: time-consuming, not many varieties can be made by yourself, enjoy the fun of DIY.

The above is the introduction of the yellowing leaves of sorrel. I hope it will be helpful to you.