
Culture method of star anise gold plate and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Culture method of star anise gold plate and matters needing attention

Star anise gold plate is called star anise gold plate because of its shape. This paper makes an inventory of the methods of star anise gold plate culture and the analysis of common problems in star anise gold plate culture, which can be used for reference.

Star anise gold plate, as its name implies, refers to its palmately shaped leaves, with about 8 lobed leaves, which seem to have 8 horns. Its leaves are green all the year round, and the leaves are like green palms one by one. It is shade-resistant and is often planted on the edge of a rockery or next to a big tree in the garden. it can also be used as a foliage plant for indoor, hall and venue furnishings.

Star anise gold plate florescence is generally between summer and autumn, and some can continue until the end of autumn and early winter. The flowers are white and panicle terminal, which is very beautiful and bears black berries containing seeds after flowering. Star anise gold plate is a strong negative plant, green in four seasons, and can be placed indoors for viewing all the year round.


Evergreen shrubs, 4-5 m tall, clustered with constant poles. Leaves large, palmate, 5-to 7-parted, lobes long-elliptic, base cordate or cuneate, glossy, margin serrate or undulate. Petiole long, base dilated. Flowering from October to November, white flowers, umbels integrated panicles, terminal. The fruit is ripe in late April of the following year, and the berries are nearly spherical, purplish black and white.

Breeding methods: star anise gold plate mainly has breeding methods such as sowing, cutting, ramet and so on. The seeds were collected in late April, stacked until ripe, washed with water, and sowed with picking, but the germination rate was low. The cuttings were carried out from March to April, with sandy soil as the substrate, 2023-year-old branches were selected, cut off the base into 15cm length, and inserted into the soil 2 to 3, compacted, fully watered, kept soil moist, shaded in shed, strengthened management, the survival rate was higher, and the root insertion from June to July was fast, but the management was difficult. The ramet is combined with changing the basin in spring, the plant is poured out of the basin, the root system is trimmed, the original plant is cut into several plants, planted in a suitable pot, and maintained in a ventilated and cool place. It can be transferred to normal management after 2-3 weeks, and ramet reproduction should be followed by the seed to improve the survival rate.

Temperature and light: the best growth temperature of star anise gold plate is 18-25 ℃. When the air temperature is above 35 ℃, if the ventilation is poor, the leaf edge of star anise gold plate will scorch. The overwintering temperature of star anise gold plate should be 7-8 ℃, not lower than 3 ℃, so as to avoid frostbite. Potted star anise gold plate is shady, and it is best to put it in a moist, well-ventilated semi-shade place in the shed, to avoid direct sunlight, especially in summer, so as not to cause star anise gold plate leaves to yellowing, or even burn its leaves.

Soil: star anise plate is native to the mountains and forests off the coast of Japan. The potted star anise plate can be cultivated with a mixture of humus, peat soil, a small amount of fine sand and base fertilizer. It is generally planted in a 12-20cm pot. Star anise gold plate can grow luxuriantly in well-drained and fertile slightly acidic loam, but it can also adapt in neutral soil.

Watering: star anise Jinpan new leaves can be watered properly during the growing period to keep the soil moist at any time. Its plant leaves are large, the water evaporation is large, especially in the midsummer season, the basin soil had better be wet, watering should be sufficient in the morning and evening, and when the air is too dry, it should also spray water to and around the plant leaves to keep the air moist to prevent the leaves from yellowing or falling off. For the rest of the growth time, the principle of dry and wet should be mastered in watering, and the watering times should be reduced in winter to improve its cold resistance.

Fertilization: the summer and autumn season is the peak growing season of star anise gold plate, it is best to apply sufficient fertilizer to star anise gold plate every half a month, fertilizer can be applied thin mature cake fertilizer or human feces and urine. When applying fertilizer, the basin soil had better be kept a little dry, so that the plant can fully absorb nutrients and grow well.

Change the basin: the cultivation of star anise gold plate should be changed every year, and the basin change is usually carried out every year from March to April. When changing the basin, put a layer of base fertilizer on the bottom of the basin, and it can be pruned properly combined with changing the basin to remove the excess or poor growth of the root system to maintain the beautiful plant type of star anise gold plate. If the cultivated star anise plate does not want to leave seeds, the pedicel can be cut off immediately after flowering to reduce its nutrient consumption.

Pay attention to the top of the matter

1. The reasons for the yellowish-brown spots in the leaves of star anise gold plate.

Through observation, we found that there were yellow-brown spots on the leaves, petioles and stems of the star anise plate, and the disease spots on the leaves were round, and then enlarged into large irregular patches. After reaching a certain number, the leaves began to curl and wither. At the same time, we also found that the spot was contagious, and the octagonal gold plate on the edge of the diseased plant was also infected with spots. Through observation, search for information, and consult experts, we know that star anise gold plate has anthracnose.

2. The bug on the star anise gold plate

In the field observation, we found that there are red insects on the back of the leaves of the star anise gold plate. Through investigation and verification, we think that this is a scale insect. Scale insects suck juice on the back of leaves and petioles, and the leaves of the injured plants are light in color and yellowish green. The secretion of shell insects can cause coal fouling disease and reduce the ornamental value.

3. The reason why the leaves of star anise gold plate are sagging

Due to various reasons, the octagonal gold plate leaves will sag. Now we will introduce the reasons that may cause the octagonal gold plate blades to sag:

1. The basin soil is too dry, causing the leaves to droop. Because the star anise plate is not resistant to drought, keeping the basin soil moist is the key. But it is also necessary to master that the topsoil is not dry or irrigated, and it is better to water the topsoil with a little whiteness.

2. The basin soil is too wet, resulting in rotting roots. The plant can be removed from the pot, removed from the soil, and then cut off the rotten root system, replaced with new soil and re-cultivated, watered and placed in a cool place.

3. Excessive fertilization leads to root burning. Take the plant out of the pot, wash the root with clean water, rinse the root for several times, then soak the root in clean water, wait for the leaf to recover, change the new soil and replant.

Star anise gold plate culture method is introduced here today, I hope it will be helpful to you.

It's yellowish green. The secretion of shell insects can cause coal fouling disease and reduce the ornamental value.

3. The reason for the sagging of the leaves of star anise gold plate

Due to various reasons, the octagonal gold plate leaves will sag. Now we will introduce the reasons that may cause the octagonal gold plate blades to sag:

1. The basin soil is too dry, causing the leaves to droop. Because the star anise plate is not resistant to drought, keeping the basin soil moist is the key. But it is also necessary to master that the topsoil is not dry or irrigated, and it is better to water the topsoil with a little whiteness.

2. The basin soil is too wet, resulting in rotting roots. The plant can be removed from the pot, removed from the soil, and then cut off the rotten root system, replaced with new soil and re-cultivated, watered and placed in a cool place.

3. Excessive fertilization leads to root burning. Take the plant out of the pot, wash the root with clean water, rinse the root for several times, then soak the root in clean water, wait for the leaf to recover, change the new soil and replant.

Star anise gold plate culture method is introduced here today, I hope it will be helpful to you.