
What are the effects and effects of Artemisia angustifolia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the effects and effects of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia is a kind of herbaceous plant, which is cultivated as a traditional Chinese medicine plant. What are the effects and effects of Artemisia angustifolia? Next, I will introduce it to you in detail.

Artemisia angustifolia is a small perennial herb with slender stolons covered with gray pubescence and rooting on nodes. The stem is slender and the leaves reniform to round. The positive side of the stem is green and the negative side is purple.

The efficacy of Artemisia angustifolia: clearing away dampness and heat, relieving diarrhea and reducing swelling. For heat, sand, astringent pain in urine, jaundice, red urine, carbuncle, furuncle, venomous snake bite; hepatolithiasis, urinary calculi. For hot gonorrhea, especially good at the treatment of stone gonorrhea, can be a single strong decoction instead of tea drinking, or with sea gold sand, chicken gold and other common use. For damp-heat jaundice, can be used with wormwood and gardenia. Modern treatment of cholelithiasis is compatible with wormwood, Scutellaria baicalensis and Radix Aucklandiae.

For ulcers, snakebite, scald and other diseases, you can use fresh herb juice to drink, external application with dregs. The role of Herba Euphorbiae: for hepatolithiasis and urinary calculi, fever, jaundice. Herba Euphorbiae has a good effect of relieving dampness and relieving jaundice and treating hepatolithiasis and jaundice. This product can be used alone to replace tea, or mixed with Yinchen, Yujin, rhubarb to enhance the effect of clearing liver and gallbladder and expelling stones.

The treatment of stone shower and heat shower can also be used alone or in conjunction with sea gold sand, chicken inner gold, stone Wei, etc., in order to enhance the ability of clearing away dampness and heat, and removing stones; if stone gonorrhea has kidney deficiency, it can be used in combination with mulberry parasites and walnut kernels for tonifying the kidney. For sore and poison carbuncle swelling, breast carbuncle, fire Dan, venomous snake bite and fall injury. Artemisia mandshurica has the function of detoxifying and dispersing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain. it can be taken orally or externally applied with fresh herbs. it can also be used to strengthen the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification with wild chrysanthemum, dandelion and evergreen. In addition, Artemisia angustifolia is used for edema, distension, internal and external application has the function of diuresis and detumescence, for lung heat cough, children with high fever, is to take its heat-clearing and detoxification effect.

Side effects of Artemisia angustifolia

Chimonanthus is good for kidney stones, but long-term use still has a bad effect on the body. Artemisia mandshurica is a medicine for diuresis, which does not have the function of removing stone, but only uses the function of diuresis to pull out the stone. long-term use will damage the vital qi, not only can not expel the stone, but affect the elimination of stone and continue to produce stone.

The taboo of soaking in water with money

Artemisia angustifolia is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which not only has the role of prevention and treatment of stones, but also has the effect of diuresis, detumescence and anti-inflammation. However, money grass can not be used for a long time, because if you take it for a long time, it is easy to damage the vital qi of the body, which will greatly reduce the effect on the treatment of kidney stones or gallstones, and may even be more serious.

Not all people with physical conditions are suitable for drinking money grass soaking water. In general, if they are patients with spleen deficiency or diarrhea, they must not take money grass raw or drink money grass water, which can easily lead to aggravation of the body's condition.

When choosing and buying money grass, it is best to buy it from a regular hospital. If it is to choose fresh money grass, then it is best to choose the color green, leaves complete, and emit a faint fragrance, this is the best.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to money herbaceous cold, so if it is a patient with deficiency cold constitution, it is not recommended that we take it for a long time, because it is easy to cause damage to the spleen and stomach. If you insist on taking money herb, add some dried ginger when you take it, which can effectively reduce the cold side effects on the body.

The above is the introduction of the efficacy and function of Artemisia angustifolia. I hope you can enjoy the article shared today.