
For example, what babies have been bred in Dongmatang and sold directly to Shanghai, but also in short supply?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Speaking of Lentinus edodes, I believe we are no stranger to it. As a kind of edible mushroom, it is common on the dining table of citizens because of its delicious taste, delicious aroma and rich nutrition.

Speaking of Lentinus edodes, I believe we are no stranger to it. As a kind of edible mushroom, it is a common dish on the dining table of citizens because of its delicious taste, delicious aroma and rich nutrition. Although there are many people who love to eat Lentinus edodes, I am afraid that not many people have actually seen the growth of Lentinus edodes. Now, let's follow the reporter to the shiitake mushroom culture base in Dongmatang to find out.

In the greenhouse of the mushroom culture base in Matang Town, Rudong, a large area of Lentinus edodes was cultivated. According to the person in charge, it takes nine months for such mushrooms to grow and mature, and the requirements for temperature and humidity in the growth process are relatively high.

In 2015, Cai Shiyu and his friends invested 50 million yuan to rent more than 130 mu of land in Rudong Matang and planted about 1 million pounds of shiitake mushrooms. Cai Shiyu, head of Lentinus edodes farming base in Matang Town, Rudong County, said that he formed a bond with Lentinus edodes because a friend came from Gutian, Fujian Province, which is the hometown of edible mushrooms. The public has higher and higher requirements for green food on the table, and edible fungus is a green product. The main raw materials of Lentinus edodes are sawdust and bran, and there are no other additives. After the raw materials of the stick come over, make a stick, and then sterilize under high temperature and high pressure, and then inoculate in a sealed aseptic normal state, and there is no other fungus infection around.

The taste of Lentinus edodes is slippery and nutritious, so it is one of the favorite edible fungi. Cai Shiyu said that when most people buy shiitake mushrooms, they will choose the one with a big head. In fact, shiitake mushrooms with large size are not the best. Basically, shiitake mushrooms with round noodles of about five centimeters are better. But also depends on its package, if the degree of opening is too large, it means that it is starting to get old. Cai Shiyu told us that the shiitake mushroom base has 20 production sheds, which can produce 7 million jin a year, with a profit of about two yuan per catty, and the cost can be recovered in three years. The market sales prospect of Lentinus edodes is relatively good. At present, the output of Lentinus edodes is far from enough for the Shanghai market, and it is basically transported by the dealers themselves.

(source / Jiang Haiming Pearl net)

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