
What is the meaning of clover?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the meaning of clover?

Clover is a very romantic plant. What is the meaning of clover? Next, I will introduce it to you in detail.

The clover plant is low, branched, creeping and growing on the ground, rooting and sprouting at the internodes. Leaves compound, trifoliolate, leaflets Obovate or obcordate, base cuneate, apex obtuse or retuse, margin serrulate, leaf surface center with V-shaped halo; stipules elliptic, clasping. Flowering in summer and autumn, head-shaped raceme, globose, total pedicel long, flowers white, occasionally reddish. While blooming, seed setting, the seed maturity is different, the seed is small.

The flower language of clover


A leaf represents hope.

The two-leaf clover represents giving.

Clover stands for love.

Culture methods of clover

Like warm, sunny, good drainage environmental conditions. The growth is slow under the condition of drought, and some die in the high temperature season. Resistant to pruning, trampling, strong regeneration ability, regeneration leaflets can grow within 10 days after pruning. After high strength trampling or rolling, it can be recovered in 3 ~ 5 days. It is easy to grow under strong shade, resulting in poor growth. Strong ability to resist harmful gas pollution and disease and insect pests.

The legend of the clover

Legend 1: it is said that the name of lucky grass comes from Napoleon. Once he was leading troops across the prairie when he found a four-leaf clover. When he leaned over and picked it, he just dodged the bullet fired at him and escaped a bullet. From then on, he called the four-leaf clover lucky. The four-leaf clover has been internationally recognized as a symbol of luck. Its four leaves represent love, health, fame and wealth, and owning it will bring you good luck.

Legend 2: there used to be a pair of lovers who really loved each other and lived together in a beautiful peach forest, but because of a very small thing, they quarreled and refused to give in to each other. Finally, one day, Cupid could not watch it any longer. She floated to the peach forest where they lived and quietly told a lie: tell them that all parties will be in trouble, and only finding the four-leaf clover in the depths of the peach forest can save them. After listening to this, they pretended to be very indifferent, but they were still worried about each other. It rained that night, but they still secretly went to the depths of Taolin to look for four-leaf clover. When they knew that each other cared about themselves, they were so moved. They decided to let the four-leaf clover witness their love. Cupid smiled. It was a joke played by Cupid, because she didn't want happiness to come too easily, only each other cared. People who cherish each other deserve happiness, four-leaf clover and the witness of love!

Clover culture

1. In Ireland, everyone wears a clover bouquet on St. Patrick's Day on March 17 every year. St. Patrick is said to have explained the Trinity to the freedom-minded Irish with a clover. Whether St. Patrick used the metaphor of clover or azure grass with yellow flowers. However, the clover is a typical symbol inherited by Christianity. It has long been a symbol of the three priestly ranks of the Celts. And the vigorous growth of clover also makes it a symbol of vitality. The druid has long given the four-leaf clover the same meaning as it is today, and that is happiness.

2. Now, clover has become a folk tradition in western countries. Children take pleasure in finding four-leaf clover on the prairie, and on St.Patrick's Day Day in New York every March, people wear green clothes and bring ornaments of their mascot, the four-leaf lucky clover.

According to Irish folklore, the four-leaf clover can bring good luck and is the most famous national symbol of Ireland. In traditional Irish weddings, the bride's bouquet and the groom's corsage must contain lucky grass. Lucky grass is considered to be the third person indispensable to the wedding.

The meaning of clover is introduced here today. I hope it will be helpful to you.