
Introduction to culture methods and maintenance skills of dragon scales

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Introduction to culture methods and maintenance skills of dragon scales

Dragon scale this kind of plant shape is very special, very similar to lotus flower, dragon scale culture should pay attention to what problem? Let me introduce you in detail.

Dragon scales, also known as snakeskin palm, is a lily family twelve volumes, is a very old species of reed; Its plant has no stem, fleshy leaves are spiral growth, seems to have regular arrangement, very like lotus, thick and hard leaves, triangular oval, dark green leaves color, slightly reddish brown leaves back, irregular arrangement of white warts, leaves with white small teeth and inward roll, transparent or translucent leaf surface is relatively flat, veins will be divided into snake-like grid-like stripes, looks very image, lifelike.

Dragon scales, like most plants, like dry and warm climate and sunny environment, are also a cold-resistant, drought-resistant and semi-shady plant, especially afraid of moisture and exposure to strong light, summer high temperature will make it enter dormancy. Therefore, it can be planted in damp and dark places. In summer, you can also water less or not water, so as not to cause rotten roots.

There are many horticultural varieties of dragon scales, and the main methods to distinguish dragon scales are the differences in several parts, such as the reticulate formation of leaves, the forked thorn base protrusion on the back of leaves and the tooth shape on the edge of leaves. And its main horticultural varieties are: crocodile scale, sword dragon scale, sleep dragon scale, etc., there are many varieties, not listed one by one.

Cultivation points:

For friends who grow dragon scales, the most interesting thing is its cultivation points, which is also the key part of the article. The optimum temperature for dragon scale growth should be kept at about 22-26℃, and it should not be kept below 5℃ in winter. Generally, the mixed soil of moldy soil and coarse sand can be used as planting base, and then a small amount of bone meal and dried cow dung can be added. Keep the pot soil moist during the growth period. During the dormancy period in hot summer, it is necessary to strictly control the watering amount and not irrigate too much. If there is strong light irradiation, it should be properly shaded. In cold winter, it is necessary to keep the pot soil dry. Fertilization can be done once a month during the general growth period.

Commonly used plant division and seeding propagation, plant division can be carried out throughout the year, often in April to May when the pot change, the mother plant side of the small plant separated from the mother, direct pot, just potted watering should not be too much, so as not to affect the root recovery, seeding generally April to May indoor pot sowing, germination temperature is 18-21℃, after sowing 14-21℃ germination, seedling growth is slow.

Dragon Scale Maintenance Experience

Dragon scales can be suitable for a variety of different cultivation environments, but they must grow well under sufficient light and timely water supply conditions. The basic principles of cultivation are when to water, how to water, what soil to use, and when to fertilize, which are the basis of the work. And different cultivation environments will determine how you solve these problems. For example, dragon scales grown on windowsills in Mexico are different from those grown in greenhouses in Tucson and should be grown differently.

The above is the dragon scale breeding method experience introduced, I hope to help you.