
In 2018, what is the most profitable and how to make a lot of money in rural aquaculture?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In 2018, the income from raising black goats in rural areas doubled every year, Lingchuan Town, Lingchuan County, Minzhi Village, Fengyoucai, invested 7000 yuan in Montenegro in 2006.

How to raise money in rural areas in 2018

The income of black goat breeding doubles every year.

Feng Youcai, Minzhi Village, Lingchuan Town, Lingchuan County, invested 7000 yuan in hybrid breeding of black goats in 2006, made a profit of more than 7000 yuan that year, and doubled every year until 2009. He said that it was the high returns that boosted his confidence and expanded his scale from 18 to 110.

At present, he has maintained this stock. In the first half of this year, he sold 37 breeder sheep with an income of more than 30,000 yuan, and his annual income is expected to reach more than 50,000 yuan.

In recent years, relying on good natural conditions and rich agricultural by-product resources, Lingchuan County has actively promoted the recommended enclosure mode of raising goats. At present, 40, 000 goats are raised in the county, and 20, 000 goats are expected to be produced annually, with an output value of 9 million yuan and an average increase of 5000 yuan for goat farmers.

The original breeds of Lingchuan County are mainly local goats, with small size, slow growth rate and low meat production rate. The fishery and animal husbandry department of the county introduced improved breeds of ram such as Nanjiang Yellow Sheep, Jianyang Big ear Sheep and Boer Goat from other places to cross with local female goats to improve the growth rate and individual weight of mutton sheep.

At the same time, the county organizes farmers with certain economic and technical strength to introduce improved ewes for breeding and breeding, so as to improve the quality and growth speed of the flock as a whole. At present, the coverage rate of improved varieties in the county has reached 85%.

Get rich quickly with less investment in aquaculture

The aquatic animal husbandry and veterinary department of Laibin City has joined forces with the Women's Federation, the Poverty Alleviation Office and other relevant departments to promote the family "fishing mother" courtyard breeding model, making use of the open space in front and back of farmers' houses to build fishing ponds, breeding pond horn fish, Loach and other efficient varieties, so as to increase farmers' income. In one village of Jiuxian Village, Sanli Town, Wuxuan County, there are 15 farmers raising through family courtyards, each with an annual income of more than 30,000 yuan.

In Longzhou County, 438 farmers use courtyards to cultivate turtles, including three-line closed-shell turtles, stone turtles, Asian giant turtles, crocodile turtles, Zuojiang soft-shelled turtles, mountain turtles and so on. The number of turtles and soft-shelled turtles reached more than 70, 000, with an annual output of 175 tons, an output value of more than 70 million yuan and a profit of more than 30 million yuan.

The average output value of productive households is more than 150000 yuan, and the per capita net income is 2. 20,000 yuan. Among the 85 households in limin Street, Longzhou Town alone, 73 households are engaged in courtyard turtle breeding, accounting for 85% of the total number of households in limin Street. 9 percent, the income from turtle farming accounts for more than half of the residents' annual income.

Pheasant breeding

A few years ago, affected by SARS and bird flu, the number of breeding decreased sharply. Since last winter, the pheasant market price has continued to rise. At present, the commodity pheasant market price is between 24 and 35 yuan per kilogram. Some domestic farmers also carry out deep processing of pheasants.

For example, Zhaobao Farm in Yongding County, Fujian Province, uses pheasant fur to make high-grade specimen ornaments, each pheasant specimen sells for more than 280 yuan, greatly increasing the added value of the product. Experts believe that demand will fall short of supply in the next five years.

Each pig raised in a fermentation bed increases income and saves 50 yuan.

Fermentation bed pig raising technology has the advantages of saving water, improving pig disease resistance, pork quality and realizing "zero discharge". It is a new pig raising technology to save cost and increase income.

It is understood that the biological fermentation bed in the pigsty is proportionally filled with rice husk, wood bran, powder and other mixed dry materials, with a thickness of more than 80 cm. 70% of the whole pig bed is filled with dry materials such as rice husk and wood chaff, 30% is cement floor, and other equipment is the same as the traditional pig pen.

It has three benefits:

One is to achieve zero emissions. After feeding the formula bacteria to the pigs and putting the bacteria in proportion in the dry feed of the fermentation bed, the microorganisms in the fermentation bed can eliminate the stench of excrement and urine excreted into the dry material, and change the stench in the conventional farm to colorless, odorless and odorless.

The second is to reduce the cost of manpower, water and electricity. Every day, the pigsty no longer needs to be washed with water, and the heat generated by the dry material can keep the pigsty dry and the temperature needed.

Third, the input cost is low. The dry material under the fermentation bed is stirred once for each batch of pigs, which can be used for 3 years.

Through the popularization and demonstration of pig-raising technology in fermentation bed in Guigang City, the survival rate of piglets has been increased by 2-5%, the drug cost has been reduced by more than 80%, water-saving has been saved by more than 90%, and the income and expenditure of each pig can be increased by about 50 yuan. The yield of fish culture in waste heat water is more than 50,000 jin per mu.

In Laibin City, the waste heat water generated by the power plant is used to vigorously develop short-term and fast aquaculture projects such as tilapia and Pomfret.

The surplus hot water farm of Laibin Power Plant makes full use of the waste hot water discharged by the power plant to cultivate warm water fish such as freshwater Pomfret and tilapia with an annual output of more than 1.5 million jin, an annual output value of more than 6.5 million yuan, and an average yield of more than 50,000 jin per mu.

At present, it is the largest warm running water farm with the highest yield in Guangxi, which plays a main role in ensuring the supply of freshwater Pomfret and tilapia in Liuzhou and Laibin.

Castrated chicken in northern woodland

Castrated chicken is a special way of raising chickens in the south of China, which is raised after castration of cocks and hens. This method of breeding has a history of more than a hundred years in China, in which the technique of castrated hens is only spread among a small number of Yi compatriots in Yunnan. Compared with ordinary stupid chicken (native chicken).

The castrated chicken has no peculiar smell and is more delicious. Rural money-making project. For uncastrated chickens, if the breeding cycle is short, the taste of the chicken is not good enough, and the feeding cycle is too long, the meat of the chicken will become old and not easy to bite and chew, while the castrated chicken needs to be raised for six months to a year.

The taste of chicken is not only delicious, but also its meat is fresh and tender. Eunuchs in a light way of cooking processing, can better highlight the characteristics of this chicken fresh and tender fragrance, can be called the best chicken, has been favored by the people in the south.

The investment cost is low, only need to buy 1-2 days of chicks, their own brood and raise. Let the chicken feed in the natural environment, the auxiliary feed only uses corn, wheat bran, bean cake and other grains. After six months to one year of breeding, the income can be reaped. The price of castrated hens is generally at 60,000,000 yuan per kilogram. The market prospect and economic benefits are very considerable.

Breeding insect chickens

Bug chicken is not ordinary, not only the chicken is nutritious and delicious, but even the yellow powder insects fed to the chicken are covered with treasures. Establish farmers and cooperatives to drive farmers and carry out the unified allocation of feed, chicken seedlings and vaccines. Can also raise mountain chicken, Wanyuan black chicken, etc., high nutritional value welcomed by customers, the market will not be poor.

It is understood that the net profit of a Wanyuan black chicken is about 10 yuan. if you raise 20, 000 chickens, the annual income will be 200000 yuan, which is very considerable. In order to achieve the effect of increasing income, the development of aquaculture in rural areas should find the industry suitable for its own development, and in the process of development, we must pay attention to the technology of planting and breeding to ensure the benefit of the industry.