
How to raise seedlings of wax gourd? Seedling raising techniques of wax gourd planting

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Wax gourd is an important economic crop in China, with low planting cost, high yield, rich nutrition and other characteristics, high planting value, attracted many farmers to plant.

Wax gourd is an important economic crop in China, which has the characteristics of low planting cost, high yield, rich nutrition and high planting value, which attracts many farmers to plant. In the process of wax gourd planting, seedling raising is a very important link, which can be said to be the foundation of wax gourd planting. So, how to raise wax gourd seedlings?

I. preparation of nutritious soil in seedbed

The preparation of nutritious soil for seedling can be prepared with "Haizhuangyuan" seaweed organic fertilizer and bed soil at the ratio of 4:6, and then add 5kg of "Haizhuangyuan" seaweed to the continuous stubble and mix evenly, then it can be packed into a plate (cup). The seedlings were raised in a seedling bed. 100 grams of "Haizhuangyuan" seaweed stubble per square meter and 30-50 kg of dry fine soil were mixed well. before sowing, the treatment soil of 1 stick 3 was scattered on the border surface as cushion soil, and the treatment soil of 2 big 3 was used as covering soil on the seeds after sowing. The prepared nutritious soil can promote seedling emergence, improve root activity and prevent seedbed diseases.

Second, sowing seeds at the right time

The sowing time of spring planting is from December to March and that of autumn planting is from June to July. It is better to raise seedlings and transplant in spring, which is beneficial to cold prevention, and bud sowing is better in autumn planting. Seedling transplanting is adopted. After seed soaking and sprouting, seedlings are raised in a nutrition cup. After the true leaves are unfolded, the sunny and warm weather is moved to the field for planting. Autumn planting can be sowed to the field after seed soaking, budding and seed dressing.

Third, accelerate germination, mix seeds and sow seeds

The lowest temperature of seed germination of black-skinned wax gourd is more than 15 ℃, and the temperature of spring sowing (especially in early spring) is low, and the germination is slow, so the seeds need to be soaked, germinated and mixed, which is not only beneficial to seed germination, but also sterilized. The specific method is to soak the seeds in 55 ℃ warm water for 15 minutes before sowing, then continue to soak the seeds at room temperature for 10-12 hours, and accelerate germination at 28-32 ℃ after drying. Seed dressing treatment after sprouting, the amount of seeds per mu (667 square meters) was sprinkled with 250-300 grams of seaweed stubble agent "Haizhuangyuan". Gently shake so that the seeds were evenly stained, and then sowed slightly. If the seedling bed is used to raise seedlings, it is best to put the seeds evenly so that the seeds are about 10 centimeters apart, which has great advantages: first, it can cultivate strong melon seedlings; second, it is not easy to damage the root system when transplanting (because the suitable age of wax gourd transplantation is 5-6 leaves, the root system is more developed).

IV. Management at seedling stage

The seedlings unearthed and grew 2 true leaves, and the leaves were sprayed with 1000-fold solution of "Haizhuangyuan 818" plant guard, once every 10-15 days. Irrigating roots with 800-1000 times solution of "Haizhuangyuan 818" rooting agent one day before planting is beneficial to protect root system, promote root development and shorten slow seedling stage during transplanting. Spring planting requires seedling refinement before transplanting. Watering should be controlled about 5 days before planting to promote root growth and development, and seedling refining should be carried out according to the principle of from small ventilation to large ventilation to uncover the film 2-3 days before planting, so as to reduce plant injury and improve the survival rate.

[conclusion] to do a good job in raising seedlings of wax gourd is the basis of successful planting of wax gourd, which should be paid attention to.