
How can it be missing this summer-blue snowflakes, good-looking and easy to raise, novice flowers recommended!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, On a hot summer day, the blue snowflakes on the balcony are blooming brilliantly, light blue petals, fresh and pure, really beautiful ~ how can we lose it this summer-blue.

On a hot summer day, the blue snowflakes on the balcony are blooming brilliant, light blue petals, fresh and pure, really beautiful ~

How can it be less this summer-blue snowflakes, very easy to raise, it is easy to develop a burst basin, but also grow so small and fresh.

Today to share the blue snowflake year-round maintenance guide, so that you can easily grow to burst the basin!

[January-February] put blue snowflakes on a sunny, ventilated balcony, at the same time, pay attention to keep the temperature above 10 ℃, reduce watering, once a week to avoid freezing injury.

[March] in March, when the weather is warm and sunny, you can change the basin and trim it properly.

[April-May] the weather is getting warmer, so you can move the blue snowflakes outdoors and water them twice a week. At this time, twigs can also be taken for cutting propagation.

[June] when blue snowflakes enter the flowering stage, they should be fertilized every half a month, and it is appropriate to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. If there is no fertilization, the flowers will not grow so good-looking, so many.

[July-August] at this time, the weather is hot and the temperature is high, so it should be watered in time, and water can be sprayed appropriately to increase the humidity of the air. Blue snowflakes are heat-resistant, but they are afraid of exposure to the sun, so they have to be shaded.

[September] at this time the florescence is coming to an end, and the residual flowers and branches can be cut off, which is conducive to the formation of new flower buds.

[October] the weather is getting colder, so it is necessary to strengthen cold-resistant exercise, keep the basin soil moist, and stop fertilizing at the same time, so as to prepare for moving indoors.

[November-December] keep the basin soil dry, avoid freezing damage caused by too low temperature and too wet soil, prune the withered branches and leaves in time, and prevent the harm of scale insects.

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