
These fruits and vegetables are natural sleeping pills, cold medicines, anti-cancer drugs, and sober up drugs.?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Generally speaking, the first thing people think of when they get sick is to take medicine. In fact, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables that you ignore around us, which are natural medicines and have good results.

Generally speaking, the first thing people think of when they get sick is to take medicine. In fact, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables that you ignore around us, which are natural medicines and have very good results. Today I will tell you about the natural effects of these fruits and vegetables. If you know more, you are welcome to leave comments at the end of the article.

1. Natural kidney tonifying medicine-- Chinese yam

Chinese yam is called "white ginseng", and its powerful health care effect can not be replaced by many medicinal materials. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called top-grade medicine, which can tonify spleen and stomach, invigorate fluid and lung, and tonify kidney and astringent essence. The mountain medicine is flat, the taste is sweet, the best way to eat: eat with steam, the loss of nutrition is minimal, but also can be made into soup or stir-fry.

two。 Banana, a natural sleeping pill

Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, which can prevent blood pressure from rising and muscle spasms, while magnesium has the effect of relieving fatigue, relaxing muscles, dispelling pessimism and irritability, and maintaining a happy mood. But also has a certain weight loss effect, such a multi-purpose banana, it is the gospel of foodie.

3. Natural skin medicine-- chamomile

Chamomile is not just a legendary "flower", it only has its appearance. It is a natural physician of the skin, mild and cool, can resist allergies, and is the nemesis of skin problems such as eczema and redness. This is "obviously you can rely on your face, but you have to rely on your talent."

4. Natural cold medicine-lemon

Lemons are rich in vitamin C. cut thin slices with fresh lemons, put some salt, and pour them into hot water bubbles to drink. In traditional Chinese medicine, such hot salty lemon tea is a natural cold medicine. Taking high doses of vitamin C when you catch a cold can improve symptoms.

5. Natural stomach medicine-cabbage

Cabbage, also known as cabbage, is rich in dietary fiber and is a "natural stomach medicine in the kitchen". It contains substances to protect gastrointestinal mucosa, with food, not easy to cause stomach discomfort. It is the right choice for people who suffer from gastrointestinal pain and ulcers for a long time.

6. Ginger, a natural painkiller

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that "ginger cures all kinds of diseases". It is not only the main medicinal food of traditional Chinese medicine, but also one of the important condiments in the kitchen. It is a "natural painkiller" that has analgesic effects, prevents pain messages from spreading to the central nervous system, and reduces pain.

7. Natural antihypertensive drug-celery

Celery has three kinds of celery, parsley and celery, which not only tastes delicious, but also has the medicinal effect of reducing blood pressure. It contains an alkaline ingredient, has a sedative effect, is effective in the treatment of hypertension and cholesterol reduction, and is effective in primary, gestational and climacteric hypertension. Celery contains more nutrients in vegetable leaves, do not just eat stems and lose leaves.

8. Natural Lipid-lowering Drug-Hawthorn

Hawthorn is a unique Chinese medicine and fruit tree species, is a very good hypolipidemic food, can be eaten, can be eaten raw, can also be made into dried Hawthorn, (personally prefer Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit). Flavonoids in Hawthorn can reduce serum cholesterol, so Hawthorn is a good food for patients with hyperlipidemia and has strong anticancer effect.

9. Natural cold repellent-cinnamon

Cinnamon is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas, tonifying Yuanyang, warming the spleen and stomach, except cold accumulation and blood circulation. It is a good food for people who are usually afraid of cold, cold limbs, cold stomachache, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea. But the meat column is a pungent and hot medicine, and the herbal medicine has a record of small poison, so the dosage should not be too large.

10. Honey, a natural anti-inflammatory drug

High-quality honey will not rot when stored at room temperature for several years, indicating that it has a strong antiseptic effect. It is proved that honey has a strong inhibitory effect on gram-positive bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, diphtheria and so on. Applying honey to the wound can relieve pain, promote wound healing and prevent infection. It's also a natural preservative.

11. Natural elixir-- Prunus mume

West plum originated in the south of France, which is the hometown of west plum. Prunus mume is rich in various vitamins and cellulose, as well as minerals and trace elements such as vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and so on. Prunus mume can help the elderly to supplement iron, zinc and potassium and strengthen their bones. can make children add a variety of vitamins, vitamins and trace elements.

twelve。 Strawberry, a natural antipyretic drug

Strawberry high nutritional value, traditional Chinese medicine that strawberry taste sweet, cold, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridian, Runfei Shengjin, spleen and stomach, diuresis detumescence, antipyretic and summer heat, suitable for lung heat cough, loss of appetite, short urination, summer heat and thirst and so on. Wash patiently before eating, soak in salt water for 5-10 minutes, and finally soak in cold boiled water for 1-2 minutes.

13. Grape, a natural anti-aging drug

Eat grapes without spitting grape skins. The healthiest way to eat grapes is not to peel them. Resveratrol in grape skins can help the body reduce blood lipids and enhance immunity. Tannic acid has the health effect of anti-allergy and anti-aging, and 85% of it is absorbed into the human body.

14. Heavy metal antidote-- dragon fruit

Dragon fruit combines the advantages of fruits, buds, vegetables and medicine. It contains plant albumin and anthocyanins, rich vitamins and water-soluble dietary fiber. Albumin is a viscous and gelatinous substance, which has detoxification effect on heavy metal poisoning.

15. Garlic, a natural anticancer drug

Germanium and selenium in garlic can inhibit the growth of tumor cells and cancer cells. It is found that the people with the lowest incidence of cancer are the people with the highest selenium content in the blood. The National Cancer Organization of the United States believes that garlic is at the top of the list of plants with the most anti-cancer potential in the world. Garlic has a sulfur-containing ingredient, which can eliminate carcinogen nitrosamine, so it has the effect of preventing cancer, especially gastric cancer. Garlic contains allicin and allicin, which has a good inhibitory and preventive effect on breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other tumors. Allicin has strong antibacterial activity. Selenium in garlic can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, while germanium can induce interferon production and prevent cancer cells from spreading.

16. Natural whitening drug-- white radish

As the old saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that white radish can "benefit the five internal organs and make people white and clean muscles". The reason why white radish has this function is that it is rich in vitamin C, which can inhibit melanin synthesis, prevent the formation of black spots, and keep the skin white and tender.

17. Natural digestion-- pineapple

Bromelain can effectively decompose protein in food and increase gastrointestinal peristalsis. This enzyme can decompose protein in the stomach, supplement the deficiency of digestive enzymes in the human body, and restore the normal digestive function of patients with dyspepsia. Especially after eating too much meat and greasy food, it is more appropriate to eat pineapple to prevent fat deposition.

18. Natural skin moisturizer-Tremella fuciformis

Tremella fuciformis has the functions of strengthening essence, tonifying kidney, nourishing yin and moisturizing lungs, promoting fluid and relieving cough, moisturizing intestines and defecation, tonifying qi and blood, strengthening heart and body, and nourishing skin and beauty. It is suitable for the treatment of lung heat cough, lung dryness cough, irregular menstruation and so on. Tremella has the laudatory name of "the crown of bacteria", sweet, light, flat, rich in natural plant gum, coupled with its role in nourishing yin, is a good moisturizing food that can be taken for a long time.

19. Natural weight loss drug-wax gourd

If you want to lose weight, you don't have to take expensive weight-loss pills and eat wax gourd. Wax gourd taste sweet, light, cool, into the lung, large intestine, small intestine, bladder meridian; with Runfei Shengjin, resolving phlegm and thirst, diuresis and detumescence, heat-clearing, detoxification and pus effect; wax gourd diuretic, help digestion, eliminate edema, fat-free, with the reputation of "slim melon". Especially the edematous obesity, eating wax gourd weight loss effect is more obvious.

20. Persimmon, a natural antialcoholic drug

Persimmon is a "natural drunkenness medicine". In ancient times, persimmon was used as an effective food to prevent hangovers and eliminate hangovers. Organic acids and tannins in persimmons can promote digestion and accelerate alcohol decomposition; rich vitamin C can also enhance liver function and protect the liver. Eating two persimmons after getting drunk can relieve the headache the next day.

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