
Do you understand the vegetables you eat every day that cause cancer?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The disease of ancient humanity comes from the mouth, and most people pay attention to whether the food in the bar is healthy or not. Loving vegetables is really a good thing, but sometimes it can become a bad thing. Special.

The disease of ancient humanity comes from the mouth, and most people pay attention to whether the food in the bar is healthy or not.

Loving vegetables is really a good thing, but sometimes it can become a bad thing.

Especially vegetables, but often ignore some of the carcinogens around them.

However, among the many vegetables, there are several special cases, which are not only home-cooked dishes in the eyes of everyone.

It is also liked by most people.

1. Bracken

Whether in laboratory animals or livestock, eating ferns can cause poisoning, including liver damage and cancer, a carcinogen extracted from bracken in the 1980s. Through inspection, it was found that the content of proferrin in bracken from high to low was root, stem and leaf, and the content in leaf was 15 times higher than that in root.

The content of these carcinogens is very high in the rhizome of bracken and less in leaves. Among them, the content of irubin exceeded the safety limit by 38 times and the content of phenyloxalic acid by 23 times.

Laboratory animal feeding experiments on bracken carcinogenicity show that bracken can induce gastric cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, leukemia and so on. Research person

The researchers also tested the carcinogenicity of cooked bracken and showed that even hot processed bracken can cause cancer.

In the official website of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, proferrin is listed as a class II strong carcinogen.

two。 Baby vegetable

The baby dishes of veteran dishes can be regarded as well-deserved, but the harm of this old friend is not small. Whether it is eating hot pot, barbecue or stir-frying, you can see the shadow of baby vegetables.

Baby vegetables taste sweet and refreshing, the price is slightly higher than ordinary cabbage, nutritional value is similar to Chinese cabbage, rich in vitamins and selenium, high chlorophyll content, has rich nutritional value.

Formaldehyde ranks second on the priority control list of toxic chemicals in China and has been identified as carcinogenic and malformed by World Health Organization (WHO).

But there is one kind of doll dish that you must not buy. Recently, it has been reported that for the long-term preservation of doll vegetable, a small vendor dipped it in with formaldehyde as a preservative and sold it.

3. Zucchini

Zucchini contains nitrosamines, mildew and high-salt foods, all containing carcinogens. Drinking water and food in some areas contain high levels of nitrosamines, and the incidence of esophageal cancer is also high. It is best to cook vegetables by stewing, steaming, boiling and stir-frying, rather than barbecue directly with charcoal fire.

When heated at high temperatures, it releases a lot of acrylamide, second only to French fries and potato chips.

Acrylamide is a strong genetic carcinogen. When a large number of acrylamide enters the human body, it will lead to serious damage of genetic material and genetic mutation, and even cause cancer, but it is difficult to calculate which concentration of acrylamide will cause cancer.

Vegetables and vegetable products are the main sources of acrylamide intake from the human diet, and 50% of them come from cooking. The longer the cooking time and the higher the temperature, the more acrylamide is released from vegetables. The content of acrylamide in fried zucchini is the highest among vegetables.
