
Increase knowledge | Culture methods of succulent plants (beginner)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the name implies, succulent plants are called succulent plants because they are watery and succulent.

As the name implies, succulent plants are called succulent plants because they are watery and succulent, which means that the plant itself has a lot of water, and the succulent plant itself has a lot of water storage. For the cultivation of succulent plants, although every experienced flower friend has his own set of methods, the core is almost the same. for beginners, the breeding method of succulent plants is not limited to the problem of how to water and maintain. what's more, we should know how to buy succulent plants, how to bring seedlings and other follow-up problems.

First, getting started

I once saw a flower friend in the forum and asked, how to get started? That's an interesting question. Because the word "entry" cannot be quantified. Is it an introduction to raise 20 pots? Is it an introduction to raising 30 varieties? After raising for a year, is it an introduction to spring, summer, autumn and winter? My answer is, getting started depends on whether you raise meat or buy meat. There are flower friends who persevere in the flesh, manifested in repeated defeats, repeated failures and repeated battles. When I bought it back, I was in good condition. I was disabled for a period of time and died, and I threw it away for a change. So at every stage, his meat is gorgeous, and new varieties emerge one after another. I think it is impossible for such a flower friend to get started even if he has been raised for ten years. This also provides us with a flower friend-level judgment, at a glance, the state of the past does not mean to raise well, because the temporary state can be bought. You can't buy the maintenance of your state. The state you raise is the standard, and the state you buy is the result of money.

Second, raise meat

I have a point of view: if the plant grows well, it must be the gift of nature; if it doesn't grow well, it must be man-made destruction. There is a saying that "all things grow by sunshine". I think sunshine in this sentence is a collective noun, which means not only sunshine, but also environmental factors such as soil, air, water and so on. If plants grow well, they must grow in the environment they feel most comfortable. Why do the plants in the greenhouse grow well? Because the environment in the greenhouse is good: long sunshine time, high humidity, air circulation, soil also has a special formula. Once went to the greenhouse with a friend to choose meat, she chose an extraordinarily fat angel tears. I say this one looks good, but it will get ugly in two weeks at the most if you take it back. The environment in the greenhouse, the balcony of the ordinary home is very difficult to simulate. So when we raise meat, we just try to provide a comfortable environment for plants, sunshine and air circulation, watering when it's time to water and keeping it warm when it's time to keep warm. If you find that you don't have a suitable natural environment in your home, you'd better give up raising meat. "you don't have to have love." What can be provided can be provided, and what can not be provided can not be forced. For example, if you love someone, if you can't provide what she wants, then there's no point in forcibly occupying it. As a result, you can only spoil the other person. If the children are abroad, do not think that taking the elderly out to live is a blessing, on the contrary, it is abuse. To raise meat, all we have to do is to provide a good environment. Growth is the plant's own business. If the environment provided is good, the plants will naturally return in a state. If there is something wrong with the environment, it is necessary to grow and become disabled.

Third, watering

In my opinion, watering is the most important thing to test the so-called "cultivation of merit". Because after mixing the soil and finishing the basin, there are no special circumstances that do not need to be dug up for at least a year, and the only thing that can be done and can be done repeatedly is watering. Friends who have just entered the pit are easy to water too much to drown the meat because their hands are cheap. Raising meat is a long-term process, so that some meat can live longer than people. Although some plants are sensitive to water, it is impossible to wait for an hour to react. So patience is necessary in dealing with plants. I remember that when I first entered the pit, I bought Ermu's books, strictly referring to the water needs of the above varieties in different seasons, setting the watering time, and recording each time after watering. How did it turn out? Dead, dead, injured. So watering, just like people drinking water, setting what time to drink water every day will not have a good result, because people and plants are not machines. Many florists will ask, how to water it? My answer is, I don't know. We can get the characteristics of plant habits by consulting the data, and we can probably know whether the plant likes more water or less water. Then according to their own breeding environment, summed up a set of their own breeding experience, this is really useful. The experience of others is only applicable in other people's environment, and it is of reference value at most. If it is completely copied, it will not end well.

Under some posts asking about watering, there will be responses like "I water every day and grow very well" and "I have a lot of water here, nothing at all" and so on. If the landlord is inexperienced, he will do so, and he knows the consequences. In fact, it is almost impossible to answer the question of how to water. This is related to the breeding environment, that is, it is related to multiple factors. For example, what is the material of the basin, how is its air permeability and water retention; how is the local temperature; how is the local sunshine; how is the humidity; what kind of soil is used, how is the permeability and water retention, and so on. Even if the above parameters can be accurately provided, it also involves the small environment of farming, the owner's habit of watering, and the definition of different words. For example, "I just watered a little bit", how to calculate "a little bit"? So I think to be exact, we should not ask how to water, but what the demand for water of a certain plant is. And the person who answered should also try to explain the environmental factors clearly, instead of saying some harmful words such as "I water this every day and grow very well." Those who get the answer must not copy it without thinking. To consider their own breeding environment and each other what is different, and then how to make each other's breeding experience through flexibility, into their own experience!

IV. Purpose

Some people raise meat to make the meat comfortable, and when the meat is comfortable, it comes out of the state to return. Some people raise meat to make themselves comfortable, but it is not so important what to do with the meat after they are comfortable. In the final analysis, meat farming is a kind of play, just like playing with birds and fish. Everyone can have their own way of playing, the key is to be clear about their own purpose. I believe that those who want to make themselves comfortable have enough money to support them, while those who want to make their meat comfortable have a lot to learn. I prefer seedlings and seeds to adult plants. Because I want to have a piece of meat that shows its condition under my care, although it is not my credit (it is the work of "sunshine").

V. General goods and expensive goods

There is no clear definition of this. For tuhao, there are no expensive goods in the world. Originally, all kinds of plants are equal in nature, and people are divided into different levels. It also involves market factors: things that are scarce are expensive, those that are few are expensive; those that are planted are expensive; and those with low greenhouse output this year are expensive. The quality of meat does not depend on the price. As long as you can raise it well, it will be as beautiful as the general goods.

VI. Bring seedlings

As the saying goes, it is easier to fight than to defend. Sowing is the same truth: it is easy to germinate, but difficult to bring seedlings. Moreover, the maintenance of seedlings will be different at different stages, and different species will have special attention in special periods (for example, the molting of stone flowers can not be watered). I know a flower friend who has been raising meat for several years. I asked him why you never sowed seeds. He said, "you think it's so easy to bring up seedlings?" It's not that easy to be a big family. If a seedling wants to become an adult, there are only conditions at home, and even if it can grow up, its state is not as good as that bought. So he chose to buy adult or semi-adult plants, and then provide them with as good an environment as possible to get them out of shape. This is also a kind of play.

Buy meat

I believe that many florists, like me, initially buy meat in the flower-and-bird market or a certain treasure. The flower-and-bird market and a treasure have their own advantages, and everyone will have different judgments according to their own situation. But since I found the local wholesale market, I have never bought meat at the flower-and-bird market. I have also been to the greenhouse, the price is relatively more expensive than the wholesale market, but the appearance is much better than the wholesale market. The wholesale market is suitable for buying general goods, while the greenhouse is suitable for buying expensive goods. This is my experience. The market situation may be different from place to place. In addition to the above, I have two important channels for reference: one is the forum, the other is the boutique. Not to put in a good word for this forum, Xianzhen's trading area is definitely better than a certain treasure. Most of the sellers are very professional, and the price is more affordable than a treasure, and the boutique is also more than a treasure. That's why Xianzhen wants to rob things when she goes shopping. In many cases, the goods are good and cheap, and they are dropped in seconds as soon as they come out. It's heartbreaking to miss it!

What is the concept of the boutique? The boutique I am talking about is a store opened by some old players themselves, which may be in the flower-and-bird market or an independent store. For example, there is a shop in the flower-and-bird market on Jiangyin Road in Shanghai. the master's surname is shi (I don't know what the word is, but that's what people call him). He's been succulent for 15 years. The things there are very good, mainly fish, root tubers, peonies and twelve, all of which are very expensive. I hardly buy anything from him. I just go there occasionally to learn a lot. By the way, I can learn something by listening to his conversation with others.

8. Serving basin

My other point of view: newly bought plants, all need to take the basin, whether it is to change the basin or not. Take the basin, serve the environment, not just the basin. Now that the living environment has changed, there must be a period of adaptation. The basin is very important to the growth of plants. If you take it well, you will grow rapidly; if you don't take it well, it will take a long time, and you may even be in a state of maladjustment all the time. Just like people's sub-health, they live or die for a long time. What is the principle of taking a basin? Try to create a suitable living environment for plants, including soil, light, gas, basin and so on. This requires us to have a certain understanding of the habits of plants and know when and what to do. Not long after I entered the pit, I was sewing in the summer, and the first thing I bought was to change the pot. Now it seems that the practice at that time was a kind of destruction to the plants. Last summer, there was a continuous high temperature of more than 35 degrees, and many plants went dormant, but I changed the basin regardless of three, seven and twenty-one. This makes the plants that are already living in dire straits even worse, so many plants can't stand to walk away.

A friend of mine thought I was very cute when I raised a lot of meat and wanted to make a pot myself. I made him a pot of Guanyin lotus to play. In December last year, he said that the flowers were a little big. Would you like to change to a bigger pot? I said it's almost winter, wait until the beginning of spring. Now it seems that it was a mistake in decision-making at that time. I didn't expect that Shanghai could still have more than 20 degrees on the first day of the Lunar New year. I knew I should have changed a big basin in December.

The above is for me to join the pit for more than half a year, some feelings, there may be mistakes, welcome to correct and communicate.