
What are the culture methods of potted shell flowers?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What are the culture methods of potted shell flowers?

The shell flower is a kind of peculiar flower with leaves shaped like shells, which is very interesting and can be watched in pots. Aquaculture shell flower, can bring strange ornamental effect, shell flower, how should raise?

Shell flower, fragrant calyx like shell, florescence from June to July, green is very beautiful. The heart-shaped leaves of shell flowers are emerald green and the flowers are unique in shape. it is a very good ornamental plant. Shell flowers like sunny environment and are suitable for growing in well-drained soil.

The cultivation of shell flowers should pay attention to watering, although shell flowers like wet soil, but too much watering will lead to shell flowers rotten roots. According to the degree of dryness of the soil to water, basin soil is not dry do not water, each watering should be thoroughly.

Flowerpot: potted shellfish can be planted according to the number of seeds to choose the size of the flowerpot, generally 15 meters in diameter flowerpot can hold 10 to 15 shellfish seeds.

Soil: shell flowers like well-drained soil, usually spread pebbles at the bottom, and then spread sand on top. Then sow the seeds in the basin soil and cover it with a thin layer of sand to keep the soil moist.

Watering: shell flower seed germination period can be watered once a day to ensure the seed absorption of water, at this time to put the flowerpot in a cool place, can not see the light. When the seeds germinate, the watering time is adjusted according to the soil moisture. If it is not dry or irrigated, it will be watered thoroughly.

Temperature: the suitable sowing temperature of shell flower is 15-25 ℃. Generally, the shell flower will sprout in about a week to half a month.

Fertilization: when the shell flower grows to 5-6 true leaves, it can be transplanted. Fertilization began after transplanting survived, once every half a month, and stopped fertilizing after the shell blossoms.

Diseases and insect pests: shell flowers grow strong, few diseases and insect pests occur, but we should pay attention to the harm of leaf miners.

Morphological characteristics of shell flower

The shell flower is 40-100cm in height, with opposite cordate leaves and obtuse teeth. The seeds of shell flowers are triangular, they emerge about 1 week after sowing, the seedlings grow slowly, the true leaves grow after 20 days, and they are still seedlings after more than a month. It takes more than 2 months to look like it, and the flowers can be seen in about 3 months. Small trumpet-like is its sepals, white florets, six whorls, fragrant calyx like shells, florescence from June to July, green is very beautiful. Corolla lip-shaped, calyx green like shell, hence the name. The stem is erect, the stem is quadrangular, and the branching force is weak.

Growth habit of shell flower

Foliage and flowering plants, like sunlight and well-drained soil.

The main ornamental value of shell flower

Shell flower pattern is strange, elegant and beautiful, it is a popular flower arrangement lining material in the world, and can also be used as dried flowers and potted ornamental.

There are a variety of horticultural varieties, but the calyx green is the most, there are white, yellow and other types. [2]

Each shell flower can absorb 150g carbon dioxide and release 56g oxygen every year, so it is a very green plant.